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Play Fair!

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If Nicotine Addiction played fair I might even be willing to make a deal with it! 

Had Nicotine kept it's word to relieve my stress, anxiety, and depression for the number of days listed on my quit smoking meter I might consider the trade-off!

The meter says that I could have traded 11 Weeks and 4 Days for 6 Years worth of smoking. First of all, I don't for a second believe my meter! I think it's a whole lot more than 3 months worth! Another thing it doesn't measure is Quality of life and I promise you, many a Dr has told me I would have been very impaired had I not quit when I did!How much impairment would I be paying for those Sickerettes? Who knows but I'm convinced it's a bunch!

But even more insidious is that smoking never really relieved my stress! All it did was stop the withdrawal that it started in the first place!

It never really kept me from being depressed! What it really did was hide my depression from myself while heaping self contempt for being an addict in the first place! 

Smoking never really helped me with anxiety - I felt more anxiety that I might run out of my smokes or not have a lighter or not get enough smoke breaks at work or might smell bad to my Wife and Kids or...or..or!

Don't you see? They were all Nico-Lies! Every single promise that Nicotine made me was a blatant Lie that I believed because Nicotine robbed me of my Brain! 

It's not fair to me or to you and you can't negotiate a fair deal with Addiction!

But you can get a Fair Deal with Quitting! The promises are the Truth! 

It isn't easy but it is simple!

It is absoluetely worth it! And I'm glad to have my 3 Months back. I'm glad to have my Quality of Life back. I'm glad to feel less stress, less anxiety, less depression! I'd do it again in a heartbeat! Only sooner if I had known the TRUTH!


I agree with you, Thomas. I have always been anxious, flighty, etc. My Grandparents said I had ants in my pants. (Of course, I had to go look), they said I ate my jumping beans I didn't I even heard my one Grandma tell Mom to take me to the Dr. and have me checked for worms. Nope! I was a worry wart, a fidget bucket, you name it. Cigarettes, at first seemed to calm me down (I started at 12) when that didn't seem to work anymore, did I stop? NO, I added alcohol, at 12, also)  It's all a lie! I am 4 1/2 sober and clean and 420 days nicotine free! The truth is that smoking does nothing for us, it makes us sick. I have a lot of labels, but smoking helps none of them!

N.O.P.E. is our only way to freedom from smoking! and folks if you have any of the anxiety, depression...etc smoking only make it worse.. See a Dr. or therapist!Works wonders for me! check out this link

Don't Quit on your Quit!

Thanks for a great blog, Thomas!


Really insightful blog, Thomas.  Considering how sick I was when I quit and how much I have gone through to get to where I am now, which is not FAR...I am certain that if I had not quit, I would not have lived even THIS long.  I would have gone into respiratory failure and it would not have been something they could reverse.  I have never, for one minute, even the really tough ones, regretted that I QUIT smoking.  I WISH I could have been smart enough to never start smoking.


Ellen's right as are you Thomas. Why did we ever start? 


Smoking Is one hell of an addiction but thankfully quitting is difficult but doable ,thank you Thomas for sharing this post we can't go backwards but we sure can continue our journey with N.O.P.E! 


Thanks Thomas for your post! As I learn more and more about my nicotine addiction I am recognizing just what a big lie smoking is!


I was so addicted to the nicotine that I would feel the stress of withdrawal within minutes of finishing a sickerette !

The yakies definitely cause STRESS !   we smoke.... stress relieved..... a few minutes later..... nocotine levels drop.......need a sickerette to stop  the withdrawal stress !

It is like a never ending vicious circle !  I got  off the merry -go -round it really was not fun anymore it was killing me !

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1