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Share your quitting journey

One more time

3 24 29

Hello, everyone. I'm really counting on a lot of help from this site.

I've been smoking for 57 years and have tried nearly every suggested way to quit since I was in my early twenties when the news came out. The maximum effort produced only 3 weeks of smoke free pride. I was quit during my pregnancy. Perhaps I could get some of those hormones that made me throw up when just in the same room with cigarette smoke....joking.

Well now it isn't optional. I have many health issues and all my specialists have been patient but are just shaking their heads because I haven't quit smoking.

I know from all my previous attempts I am a phycological smoker. Patches, e-cigs, Chantix, cold turkey, self hypnosis, accupunture have all been to no avail. They do not replace the self nuturing assurance. I think of it as an adult thumb sucking security blanket. If anyone of you have this particular problem please share how you've dealt with it. 

When I started smoking at eleven years old my asthma stopped.  If I cut back drastically now my asthma is triggered. This is something I am prepared to deal with, but it has been scary in the past. 

This is enough for an introduction. I'm not much of a blogger, but I do hope to participate to the max with this site. So, hopefully, there will be more to come.
