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Share your quitting journey

One Hundred-Twenty-Eight days..Wow--Wee.....

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Seems a life time ago since I smoked, yet it is oh so familar when I see someone inhale. I have had more thoughts than usual  lately about my past smoking days none of which is good. I think the weather change , my first summer not smoking in my entire life and at 51 thats awhile lol. I have seen several peole slipping as they call it. I call it not quitting. I have tried the one here and there the last time I said I quit. I wasn't quit at all I just spread out the addiction feeding it only when I could not stand it any more, only to have it return shortly. It is a never ending cycle. If you are serious about stopping smoking the first thing you have to do is stop COMPLETELY not one here and there, that is not quitting.I am not looking down on people for their failures I have had several in my life. But you are kidding yourself if you think you can play in this fire and not get burnt. Smoking will kill you. Along with alot of other things but as we learn to appreciate the life we have been given we should try to eliminate the thing that cause us health problems and stress so the we can enjoy our life. I have made a lot of changes sine I quit.#1. I don't smoke. #2 I am happy I don't smoke. #3 I am spending more time with my family and loving it. they are all non smokers and I tried to avoid being in the group smoking..My lose.#4  I pray alot more because I know I need help. #5 I speak openly about my struggles and my success of quitting. #6 I depend on you all my exers/ friends to help and guide me along this journey and you all have done a fantastic job. thanks to you all......Guess I will go have a lot of stuff to get ready for the camping trip....No smoking HOO HOO!  Hugs to you all and have a wonderful memorial day weekend.  Hugs Deb