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Share your quitting journey

New Comers...Join our Conversation

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I am sitting here, and seeing the same people posting, same people commenting, and I see so many new members being added, but most of them are quite quiet.  I know I'm not the only one who has noticed this.  

As a person who has lived through an addiction to stimulants, an addiction to food (still trying to figure this one out), and an addiction to nicotine, I can safely and confidently say that being part of a community helps us overcome our daily battles.

This is where this community comes in.  Without this group for support, I would have probably quit my quit about 2 weeks ago.  Something would have stressed me out and made me not care about myself enough to go buy a pack and smoke the whole thing in 2 days.

Being part of this community has made me stronger and with the support of the members here, I was able to gain insight into myself, and help strengthen my feelings of self by the positive words and kindness that this group has expressed to me.  

With any addiction, having a community of people with the same experiences helps us to see ways in which we can overcome our addicted brain, and make conscious choices to be stronger than that voice in our head, telling us to make bad decisions.  

So New Comers, I challenge you to help yourself by writing a blog post, or starting a discussion about anything you're struggling with.  While this is a site for quitting smoking, there are many things in each of our lives that can and will make us go back to smoking if we don't remain aware.  Speak up and start a conversation.  Even if it's just to say hello and tell us a little bit about yourself.  The positive responses from this amazing community will make you feel welcome and show you that you are worth quitting smoking.  A lot of times, that's all we need to experience to realize that there are people just like you, and they are right here, ready to help, ready to show compassion, and ready to show understanding.  There is no judgement here, just a group of people wanting to help others to be strong.  Participation is a huge part taking control, not to mention, we'd love to hear from you. 

Aaron 31 DOF

About the Author
I work at an elementary school helping kids with learning disabilities. I worked in the technology industry for 8 years, and finishing up college to go back into that field, with a degree this time. I've had previous substance abuse issues, but have been clean from that for 3 years now, and working hard everyday to stay away from cigarettes.