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Why am I sooooo done with this addiction?

~My teeth are turning yellow, and I feel embarrassed.

I'm starting to pick up the habit of covering my mouth when I laugh or smile.

~I hate the way that my car smells and looks. It takes up so much time trying to keep it clean and free of ashes ( a never ending battle).

~My mother recently quit 2 weeks ago; and I still sometimes smoke in front of her... not ever again!

~I'm so over bronchitis! and ashma! When I get really sick, I wont take my treatment because I fell like I deserve the pain. I felt really silly taking my machine and smoking at the same time! So I would just suffer... not no more!


~Because, I LOVE and MISS JOGGING!

~For the Love of my Life! Who has made it clear that he will never marry a smoker.

~Because I'm a pre-med major for god's sake! What a hypocrit I will be, warning my patients the dangers of smoking.

~Because If I don't now, when will I. Really, do I need to wait till i'm 40 to say, Oooo, this is what they all warned me of... ok I get it... now rewind time please!!

~Because If I ever have kids, I would never want them to worry about me, the way I do about my mom, who has smoked for over thrirty years and has developed COPD.

~For my friends, whom have confessed needing to wash their clothes asap after they leave my house.. can u imagine!!!

~For a calmer and relaxed me. If I'm sitting in school during a long test, im chewing the eraser off off my pencil!

~Because I get a neck cramp from trying to smoke and at the same time trying to avoid the "real" harmful smoke coming from the top that makes my eyes burn!:)

~Because I'm a smart girl and I deserve it!!

Why I gave in?

I started to feel depressed and developed a weak mindset, and exprerienced anxiety. Mental illness runs in my family. So when I experienced unfamiliar feelings, I got really scared and I thought I was headed for the deep end.

Why I am quiting again.

Thanks to every one on this website, I learned that these feelings are very very normal!! I learned that they can be dealt with and can be overcome. I now know that dealing and coping with these feelings is just what it's going to have to take. I think a new mindset is needed. I know that these feelings are only because of withdrawal and as time goes by, I will begin to feel more grounded. So I feel sad and angry... so what?...OMG this sooooooooooo worth it!!