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Share your quitting journey

My "quit" is like a new-born baby.

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I am like a proud parent of my newly hatched "quit." My quit was born on Monday and is now a precarious 4 day old. The birth announcement would look something  like this....

The heart, brain and lungs of Mr. Justsayno are the proud parents of a new quit. Born on Monday, Nov. 26, the quit is doing well. Many well-wishers have posted messages encouraging  the health and longevity of the quit. Some enthusiastic supporters have sent animated cartoons and cute quotes as a showing of  united and steadfast love and encouragement just like proud aunts, uncles and grandparents.

And like any new baby, the reality sets in when you get home from the hospital and it is just you and the baby. The well-wishers have gone home and the in-laws have returned  to their prospective cities and now it is just you and that sweet little newly created "quit" that depends on you for everything. You and you alone are responsible for the care and nurturing of the "quit".  When the quit wakes you up in the middle of the night. It is just you and your "baby."  Survival of the "quit" lies soley on your choices and your resolve to be a good parent. Do you keep your quit healthy and strong, or do you waver and let the quit become weak and in danger or even worse. Do you do the unthinkable and let your precious, sweet newly-created "quit" that you and all the well-wishers were so proud of three days ago, die? Hell No.

You keep your quit strong. You feed your quit with information and fellowship with other "parents" of quits. You  share information and lean on each other for support to keep your quit vibrant and healthy. My quit is just an infant today. But it needs me and this community now, more than ever. Help each other keep your "quit" alive, strong and vibrant so it can grow old and be around for all the adventures life has to offer. 

You can. We can.

A proud parent of a beautiful, healthy "Quit."

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