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My Quit Day Was Yesterday!

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Hello Everyone, How are you? So as the blog header reads, yesterday was my quit day. I was nervous and a little scared I will be honest, because I want this to be my forever quit because I am tired of cigarettes and their unending control they have over my life. Although I went to them, you can understand that I want this time to be special, filled with new goals, new achievements, and new friends from each milestone that I pass (a month to me is a milestone, it's helps to keep me on track, so I do something a little special for myself). 

So yesterday yes, my cravings were not to bad. I did have them and I ended up reaching out to quitnet which is AWESOME, they have a lot of wonderful people over there as well that when you reach out, they are just there for you and it makes it easier because they have something similar to Facebook where you can share updates and people can comment right away which Ex could really use in my opinion. Anyway, getting back on track, the only cravings that I got that were really, really bad to the point where today, I went out and got some sugar free candies and some gum is after I eat. My roommate smokes still and we share his car to go places and that can become irritating because the smoke does come back into the car, however, I can handle that, but those after eating cravings are just the worst for me. If I could live and not eat for the first week I would however, as I said, I am reaching out, focusing on something else, actually writing this blog post, so that I don't fall into cravings. 

Last night though, it was really rough. I had woke up around midnight and for the life of me, I could NOT fall back asleep no matter how hard I tried. Believe me, I TRIED HARD to. I was breaking out in several sweats, my throat was sore, and I do suffer from anxiety, my anxiety was trying to kick my butt HARD. So, again I reached out and was talking with some people on quitnet and I was watching netlfix to calm my anxiety and it eventually passed and I eventually went back to sleep but it was pretty rough, I won't lie a bit. 

Today is day two for me, and I am okay although, as I mentioned previously I did get gum and am chewing on it to help until the craving is over. I have actually began to focus on eating healthier, picking what I want to out to eat for breakfast and lunch, as well as what I will have for dinner, and thinking about meal options for work is really helping to distract me. I am drinking water as well and keeping it by me in case I do get a craving out of no where. Now I am just patiently (well, patient as I can be lol) waiting until my tablet shows up. I cannot wait, that will help out more too. 

I am going to go for now, I hope that everyone is having a great day, and if you are struggling, then by all means, let someone know, tell someone so that they can help you overcome that craving. You are not alone in your struggles, I found that out when i joined my two websites and that was all I needed to help me to know that I CAN DO THIS!
