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My 7-year anniversary is coming up in a few days !!!

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It just dawned on me this morning that on the 25th of this month, I will have 7 years under my belt.  I was scrolling around on Facebook for my daily news briefing and saw an ad for Allen Carr's book and thought to myself, that's right, I've been quit....... I actually had to look it up.  I remember being all consumed with the thoughts of smoking.  How many hours will it be  before I can puff away on another one only to want to light up again shortly thereafter.  I remember scrouging around my car for butts when I didn't have enough money right then to buy a pack or I was on one of my many quit journeys that usually lasted only a few hours.  I remember after having my last child my husband asking me if I was going to finally quit since I haven't smoked in three days.  I just responded no, I'm not ready yet.  I'm not sure what "ready" meant at that time, but I wasn't going to give up smoking.  Then we jump ahead 24 years later and I no longer smoke.

I don't use the words nonsmoker, or former smoker, because to me it gives me an out of it's only a habit I gave up.  I like to think of it as I choose not to smoke.  I used that same philosophy last year when I decided I was going to lose weight.  I decided I could consume massive quantities of carbs and sugar, but I choose not to and lost 65 pounds.  Find your mind-set while you quit and find out what works for you.  Some people revamp their homes.  Some people change up their routines.  Some use a stress ball when the cravings or thoughts of smoking appear.  Try all kinds of different things to find what works for you to stay the course and be free of the chains that bind you, 


About the Author
Never be afraid or embarrassed about your "smoking thoughts" while quitting, they're there to remind us how strong we truly can be. Always remember, you will always WANT to smoke, but you have to CHOOSE not to. We can't break the ties that bind us without first changing the cycle that created it.