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Morning After Day 15 of my Quit

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Morning Everyone,

Wanted to share my blog post about the 15th day. I am not gonna sugar coat it, yesterday was a tough day. Lots of cravings and really strong cravings, but there is a reason that yesterday was much worse than the day before. I learnt yesterday that my dad has stage 4 cancer of the liver. That was really tough news and it made me think that buying a e-cig would help with confusing emotions I was feeling. I am happy to share that I in fact did not buy an e-cig and instead did anything I possibly could to keep my mind busy (work, TV, games, hanging with friends, etc) and off the thoughts of my dad's news & the e-cigs. Really happy that I was able to overcome those cravings and not "fall back" into smoking just because I got some tough news

If you read my last posts, you know I also like to focus on growing my relationship with my wife. So, lets talk about what I did to show commitment, intamicy and passion yesterday.

  1. Commitment - What can I do everyday to show my wife I am committed to quitting
    • As mentioned above, yesterday was a tough day.. I think I showed my wife my commitment by avoiding smoking because normally that would have been the perfect trigger for me. My commitment also shined through in the form of sharing. I made sure to tattle on myself when I had really strong cravings, that way I could have support from my wife and friends
  2. Intamicy - How can my Wife and I continue to have positive attitude/conversation surrounding my quit
    • This one may sound easy, but it definitely is not. I spent years on and off hiding a bad habit from a lot of people, so this is definitely a hard topic for me to be open about sometimes. My wife is amazing and is always so welcoming to me when talk about my struggles and successes. Yesterday was no different, we talked about how the hard day impacted my cravings, we came up with ideas on what we can do to keep my mind busy & off my dads diagnosis / my e-cig cravings. 
  3. Passion - What can I do on a daily basis to help evoke emotions out my wife that she enjoys / put a smile on her face
    • Yesterday was hard day for me to focus on other people's happiness, you can probably guess why since I mentioned it already a few times. But I did find some little things I did yesterday that put a smile of my wife's face - a hug when she got home from work, eating dinner together, getting together with friends and playing board games, crawling into bed together. That just goes to show you that the little things can add up to a huge success!

The last part of my daily blog is talking about what made me sad vs what made me happy yesterday.

  • What made me sad yesterday?
    • I bet you can guess! My dad's stage 4 cancer diagnosis hit me really hard. I don't think there was anything else that really made me sad yesterday. Kind of hard to let anything else make you sad when you hear news like that. But being said isn't always a bad thing, if I can make it through a day without smoking after hearing that sad of news, I can do anything
  • What made me happy yesterday?
    • You would think that I might have had a hard time finding happiness yesterday after the news I received. But there were things that made me smile yesterday & helped me keep my busy / off e-cigs
      • Work - oddly enough it was a great workday. I had a large team meeting where we watched a couple fun YouTube videos and took turns talking about the videos. Great way to end a the week!
      • Board games and hanging out with my friends
      • Ending the night binging Netflix with my wife in bed / late night McDonald's run (Big Macs are soo good)
      • Great morning workout - love getting those endorphins running through my body every morning. Honestly best way to start your day.
      • Sweetie, my dog. She makes me happy every single day.
      • My wife, always so caring and loving. I couldn't life without her. Make sure you find a good support system!