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Shawn said;" Never stop believing in hope,because miracles happen every day."                                                                       The miracle that happened was my using the tools learned on EX and the good friends I have made  here to help me through addiction.                                                                                                                                               Where have I been for a year without a blog?                                                                                                                I have been down the rabbit hole of child neglect ,divorce, and alcoholism..                                                          NOT MINE, but my youngest son and grandson. This year we have had a car wreck,several hospitaliations,life flight,drunk driving,court,rehab ,AA ,Al-Anon. I have learned you're never too old to learn. It has been one year ago.                                                                                                                                                                 Today my son is clean, driving again, and has a job. My grandson is safe,growing, talking a mile a minute, and had his third birthday last week.  ( Potty training is just another mountain to climb!) My only words of advice are: NEVER give up. Reach out for help.  One drink or one cigarette can start the cycle of addiction.  I have never left the EX site. I have just been quiet. PEACE EVERYONE