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Share your quitting journey

Made it!

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One whole year since the last cigarette! I guess I should be proud but it was just too easy. Not one bad day, not one craving, no weight gain, no bad anything. Not sure how I got this lucky, since I smoked heavily for over 40 years.

I don't come here that often anymore, as I have nothing to offer in way of support. I can only wish that everyone could have the same experience that I did, but I don't know of anything special that I did other than reading everything I could on how to quit successfully (all on this site), preparing for the hard times (that never came), and probably the most important (????), using Chantix for about 45 days. 

Good luck to all those who are in all the different stages of their quit. My admiration goes out to those who are struggling, but still refuse to give up. I doubt I could have been as strong. 


Congratulations on your entry into the 6% Club (stats say that only 6% of people who quit smoking are still quit after a year).  Here's your Golden Key!


Be mindful of smoking thoughts that might occur for two years of changes in seasons, holidays, vacations and family dramas.  You may have smoking thoughts out of the blue because you haven't had a lot of practice relearning them without smoking.  Just be mindful and you will be fine.

Glad you came back to celebrate with us!



CONGRATULATIONS paradox55 on your awesome entrance into the 6% Club YAY for 1 splendiferous year of Smokefree living and YAY each and every Day WON.....


Big Congratulations!

I am interested in how you could make a complete behavior change from a heavy smoker to a non smoker without aggravation of any kind?

Again, congratulations on your first year





Congratulations on 1 year quit paradox55 ... so proud of you...Enjoy the Freedom and Happy Wednesday...~ Colleen 324 DOF 




Congrats on 1 years smoke free.  I'm jealous





I really wish I knew, that there was a secret formula that I could share with everyone.

I DO know that I'm not a very strong-willed person, and if I had cravings I'd probably cave, especially since my husband still smokes and doesn't hide his cigarettes.

What I did do is decide I wanted to quit, talked to my doctor who recommended Chantix, and started to prep. I found this site (yay!), read up on as many quitting strategies and helpful hints as I could, and made a plan. I counted my cigarette supply, and when I figured I had just enough for two weeks, I started the Chantix.

Other than vivid dreams (which I rather enjoyed), I had no side effects from the Chantix. I was ready to quit before the two weeks was up but I stubbornly kept smoking for the full two weeks. I did not smoke all my cigarettes as I just didn't enjoy them anymore. I also did not finish a cigarette after the first week.

The Sunday that was my first no-smoke day I woke up a bit scared. I waited for the first craving, watched my husband go out for a smoke, waited some more, and....nothing. I DID think about smoking a lot at first, but that's all it was, thoughts and no cravings. I just felt...disinterest I guess you could call it. 

Since then, things have been pretty routine. Husband tried Chantix a few months after a quit, but it didn't work for him. He's still smoking, but will not smoke in my car, or smoke in his if I am there. We stopped smoking in the house years ago, so I didn't have to fight that battle. In the whole scheme of things, nobody is more surprised than me just how easy and stress-free this has been. I wish it could be the same for everyone.


Congratulations on reaching and surpassing one year without smoking!!  Remain a part of that 6% and never look back.  Great Job!!


Congratulations and thanks for reaching just might show someone that this is possible.  What a great journey!



6% club? I never knew about that. The only thing i thought of was "OMG I MADE IT A WHOLE YEAR!!!" 

Be really proud of yourself!!! A year is a huge milestone, at least it was for me. Don't be afraid to share that over and over and over and over again with friends, foes, family, the 7-11 clerk or whoever. A year is a REALLY big deal!!!

Big BIG Congrats!!!


Congratulations!!  What an amazing accomplishment!

- Michelle




just saying..I didn't want to know that stat 48 hours into my quit 😞 


I totally get that.  I learned that early on in my journey and it can be discouraging.  But, it is something to aspire to.  I'm proud that I actually made it!.  But, it's still not over with--everyone says you have to make two years to really experience everything life has to bring without smoking.  I'm working towards that now.  And, we always will have to stay vigilant because it's an addiction.  48 hours in, I never thought I would be here now.  It is possible.  And there are a lot of people here that helped  make it possible for me and  they can for you.



Wow. I mean, wow. What an amazing story . . . it really gives me hope. At Day 17, it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Seems like the worst is over, and now it's just memories of all the moments I used to fill with cigarette smoking. But I occasionally I wonder . . . I wonder . . . will I make it? You give me real hope. Thanks for sharing. I hope your husband can join you someday. Meanwhile, you rock!!


I am on day 3 and today I felt pretty good today. My head felt clear for awhile and then around noonish I got super tired.

Lucky,for me work let me out early due to getting inventory done. So,I got home,sat in the recliner and my dog and I had a 2 hours nap. Feeling pretty good again.

I do noticed that I always reach in my pockets looking for the can of snuff that is not there or using my tongue to find the missing dip.good thing I love candy.

I do have to say it's been A good day. Just have to remind myself. These cravings can hit anytime,so keep aware of my surroundings.


That's great.  I hadn't though about that before.  My pets have been such great supporters in my quit



I am a fill-in lap when everybody else is not home. When everyone is home. I get oh well.i got a good uninterrupted nAp in.


Sounds more like a cat's attitude than a dog's.  But they can all be fickle.  I had a parrot that loved me and absolutely hated everyone else.  It's common in parrots but my others were never as bad as Buffett was about that.


Congratulations on your year

I'm 25 days at this point and since I've tried quiting many times in the past without success this time I was prepared as you said I did the same lots of research talked to my doctor but I went cold turkey and have been doing really good much easier than any other time I quit I see this being my last quit.

again congrats hope to be there soon!!


I tried going cold turkey.but,I just can not take the full blown withdrawals.

What I been doing is using nic mints after delaying and so far I am going alot longer without a nic mint.

I figure in a few weeks I can be totally off of the mints. But,I can go for hours until I need one. But,the withdrawals symptoms are not as bad as I first started


Huge congratulations on your One Year Anniversary.  Sorry I missed it.  (Thank you Youngatheart for alerting me).  Just added you to our /blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016?sr=search&searchId=27363a1a-4410-4761-b...‌  So glad you had such an easy time of it!