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Life in the Swamp! Day 6 of No Smoke On the Water!

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One thing is for absolute sure. Most people who live in the swamp smoke!



I took all these pictures this morning and had a nice day. I am making my friends smoke outside and they are not too happy about it. But, oh well!

Today is my 6th day and thats one day shy of a week, so I'm a happy, happy, hippy. I'm doing this thang! Maybe if there had been an EX site the last time I quit I would have made it. But hey, who cares right?



I decided when I quit that BEER was my biggest trigger and I stopped drinking my, "dear sweet beer," until I was thoroughly quit! You know what? I dont even miss it. These two brothers that live here came by with a bottle today and wanted me to come down to the bottom and get drunk. Mind you this is at 10AM in the morning! I told em I was not drinking anything stronger than pop rouge until I was off cigarettes for quite a bit. After convincing them nobody had put the gris-gris on me they waddled off back to the bottom.



So anyhow, this was my first trip out into the swamp with no booze, good herb or cigarettes. Only me and my camera. I smell better too. I mean my nose works better. Well hell, actually both. I am totally digging on this and short of on occasion being the, 'maudit fils de garce, fils de putain, chu de cochon," I am all-diggity-doo-right!



So I guess regardless of whether you live in a penthouse in New York or on a bayou or swamp, quitting anything is no easier or harder either way. You just gotta really want to quit and I did. Hey, I am not even smoking the good herb in fear it might set me off again!



So anyhow, tomorrow will be one week without smoking and if I can stay smoke free for one week here in the swamp there is hope for us all, Amen! Thank you to those from all over who have helped me and maybe I can do somebody a good turn as well.

I have to take my dogs for a nice walk! Later gator'