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Share your quitting journey

Let's enjoy the day that we're fortunate enough to be blessed with and yahoo it's Friday .

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Hubby and Mason are gone for the day and I'm enjoying the peace and quiet and my third and final coffee of the day aaah it's nice just to have a little ME time. Wishing each of you and myself included the best day possible and with all the craziness that's happening all around us, we must remember that we can't control the news and what's being broadcast all over the airwaves and we have no idea what's true or not so deep breaths and concentrate on what we can control in our own lives and what's at the top of my list is protecting my quit and no matter what is happening in my life and whatever stressers is happening to me or around me I will continue to be vigilant each and every day because my quit is my #1 priority and be sure to make it yours as well. Life is way too short to go backwards and relapse so don't go back to coughing and choking and fighting to breathe because of nearly horking up a lung or possibly both, ugh that's no life but by remaining on guard and protecting the best gift that we'll ever give ourselves then we can enjoy a lifetime of Freedom from the disgusting  (yakies) which is the horrid cancer sticks.N. O. P. E. - Not One Puff Ever really works when applied daily, quitting smoking and Remaining Quit is absolutely Doable and it's absolutely worth it to be FREE !

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....