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Share your quitting journey

Just my thoughts

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 I want to share with you where am I today in my quit and some of my thoughts tonight . I am 11 years 8 months quit . My quit is final . The final chapter is written . I’ve journaled for as long as I’ve been quit . I don’t think of smoking anymore : not during change of seasons  ; not during celebrations mine or others ;  not over stress ; extreme or mild , mine or others ; not over my health , good or bad , not over family crisis , small or huge and the bigger trigger for me that kept me here so long not over people who push my buttons knowingly or unknowingly .  That is freedom !  For those of you who have not found that kind of freedom yet you will .  I know you will . When ? I believe when you have gotten through all your own hang ups tied to your addiction . Worth  it ?  Most definitely .  I believe you too will find your freedom if you choose do the work you need to do . Most of us come looking for support to quit but it is not our support that makes you successful  . It is about how you see yourself successful  and what you are willing to do to make that success happen . Quitting is about you making choices and decisions not to smoke no matter what , repeatedly ( to keep it simple ) and to go about the business of living .
When we want to get ahead in life it takes commitment , determination , time , belief and patience . 
Will you be committed , will you be determined  , will you have patience , will you have time , will you have the belief that you can and will do this ? Are you going to be your best friend or your worst enemy ? Will you really let a cigarette be your best friend over you being your own best friend ?
Will you embrace your quit right now and choose to believe you can do this or will you think it’s too hard  , impossible and you can’t do it . Choose the statement that makes you feel good inside , then do it . Do you believe you can be successful or do you will be a failure failure ? Choose the statement that makes you feel good inside and then believe it . 
I don’t believe myself you’d even be here if you thought you couldn’t quit . I have faith in you . I have faith you will be free 

As far as my quit , it’s done , my work is finished here .  All the tools I need should I ever think “ just one “ are in my subconscious , they will not be forgotten and I’ll go on living life on life’s terms as a person who once smoked and now am free .