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Share your quitting journey

Just for the heck of it

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They've come up with

a new product for nicotine addicts!

You take one,

you take two

really it's just up to you

With a NIC NAC paddywack

bring the addict home

Throw more money down a hole!


@JonesCarpeDiem Don't know what this is, but many of them have worked for many of us.  I couldn't be happier with the aids I chose to use and the positive result.  It's probably still cheaper than buying cigarettes everyday.  Nicotine addicts need to find there own path to become an Ex.




I don't know if this product has anything to do with quitting smoking or nicotine replacement to quit smoking. 


I looked up the product Nic Nac Naturals and it is touted as an "all natural"  "clean" and "guilt free" nicotine product without all those nasty chemicals--,yeah right. One sentence said it could be used for quitting smoking but from their website, cessation doesn't really sound like the main mission of this brand.  Of course, I could just be cynical, but in this day and age a little cynicism is called for.  Just what the world needs, a new product to get people hooked on nicotine.





Product has warning on their website 

3 to 6 mg which ever  customer chooses 

Nicotine is in this natural product 

Mixed messages to sell drug nicotine 

A drug is a drug  even a small amount taken over time hence nicotine vape cigs

Those users are suffering so addicted some of my family members are vaping to quit nicotine and chose to vape with advertising to quit smoking it didn't work for MY some of my family members 



Oh! I did not know this. Looks nice from outside but to get more people to consumer nicotine in this form, may be.

Good to be careful.

@JonesCarpeDiem thanks for the post and @indingrl for pics and more information.


@JonesCarpeDiem I misunderstood.  Thought it was to quit smoking.

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning letter to Nic Nac Naturals for the marketing of their unauthorized dissolvable nicotine products, which the company describes as “nicotine mints” and which resemble a pack of mints. These products are of particular concern because of their resemblance to popular candies and the potential to cause severe nicotine toxicity or even death if accidentally ingested by young children, according to the FDA." 2023

They're advertising it contains nicotine, so it's just a new delivery method.  It is synthetic so it's not derived from tobacco.  So I guess some people could use it to quit like similar products. 





Wow, thanks for the headsup @JonesCarpeDiem .  Big Tobacco working overtime to get us.  Thanks so much Big Tobacco.  When I first quit, I was offered more than one vape device from my friends who vaped, telling me this is better than cigs....go ahead try it!  I wanted to, soooooo bad, but when I asked if it contained nic they said "not that much".  Not that much nic is too much for an addict.  Glad I said no thanks.  Stay vigilant!  Thank you Dale.

About the Author
Hello, My name is Dale. I was quit 18 months before joining this site and had participated on another site during that time. I learned a lot there and brought it with me. I joined this site the first week of August 2008. I didn't pressure myself to quit. HOW I QUIT I didn't count, I didn't deny myself to get started. When I considered quitting (at a friends request to influence his brother to quit), I simply told myself to wait a little longer. No denial, nothing painful. After 4 weeks I was down to 5 cigarettes from a pack a day. The strength came from proving to myself, I didn't need to smoke because I normally would have smoked. Simple yes? I bought the patch. I forgot to put one on on the 4th day. I needed it the next day but the following week I forgot two days in a row I put one in my wallet with a promise to myself that I would slap it on and wait an hour rather than smoke. It rode in my wallet my first year.There's nothing keeping any of you from doing this. It doesn't cost a dime. This is about unlearning something you've done for a long time. The nicotine isn't the hard part. Disconnecting from the psychological pull, the memories and connected emotions is. :-) Time is the healer.