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It's Been One of THOSE Daze

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I've having a day of weakness.  Seems like my cravings are worse than usual.  Sure, I'm days away from my Quit Date.  I could light up without that Catholic guilt creeping in on me, but I'm trying to show some restraint.  I mean, I don't want to hit my Quit Date and think "Damn!  I should've done some tapering before now, huh?"  Trying not to be a dumbass, which is difficult.  *grin*

Health stress hit me hard today.  Had some physical aches and pains and pressures.  I always wonder if the symptoms I experience are a result of my anxiety/panic disorder or real, hardcore physiological signs of a greater problem.  The curse of the over-thinker.  Of course, that doesn't stop me from taking a puff here and there.  Gotta add that fuel to the fire. 

I spent most of today feeling lost, detached from my surroundings.  I've been known to feel this way when I feel the world's becoming too much of a stresser for me to remain engaged in the here and now.  The Hub loves it.  *sniff-sniff*  Yep, that was sarcasm.  But he's incredibly understanding.  I'm a lucky homo.   

I start Yoga tomorrow.  I was suppose to start it earlier this week but life had other plans.  So, I'm ready to go balls-out and try whatever I possibly can to get me outta this daze I'm in...back into the life I know I deserve.  Also, I start seeing a therapist on Monday, something I promised myself I would never do.  But I'm opening myself to just about everything available. 

It's after midnight.  Time to put my tired ass to bed. 

I wish everyone a great weekend.  And thanks for all the encouragement and support.

Riding strong as I can,