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Share your quitting journey

If quitting were a fantasy adventure. pt 1

1 4 7

(Because writing is fun, and distracts me)....

There were more of them today then yesterday. More Craven Imps, come to terrorize her waking moments and jolt her from restless sleep. Vale didn't know where they came from, though she had been searching the wasteland for weeks. Once, she thought she had gotten close to the Demon's lair, but found only a roving pack of Imps. 

The good news was, she wasn't afraid anymore. In the first few days of her quest, Vale had dashed stealthily behind bolders, attempting to stay hidden. Many times, she had considered turning back as she listened to the Imps shriek and the Nico Demon howl in the distance. Now, she shouldered her heavy backpack with ease and strode confidently through the wastes. She just wished she had company, for the wastes were hot and lonely. 

She wanted so badly to stop and rest, but she knew that the only way to succeed was to continue forward. Yes, company would have been nice, but help would be better. She remembered the laughs of the vilagers when she said she planned to slay her Nico Demon once and for all. None of them had been interested in accompanying her, and many had proclaimed her to be a fool. Why can't they see it? she wondered, How can they miss the chains binding them? The village is plagued, all of it's populace bound to the smoking furnaces night and day. They crave the presence of their Nico Demons, even thank them as the Demons slowly destroy them.... How can they be so blind?   

She knew it wasn't fair of her, she knew all too well how difficult it had been for her to see the Demon's true colors. She could even remember the days when she thought of her Demon as a friend...