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Share your quitting journey

If They Only Knew...

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AEEUHAAH as I stretch this morning, moving me old bones and  attached sinews to begin circulating, to wake up.  This is ritualistic.  Then I was to go out the back door, appreciciate the morning's beauty, light a cigarette, stand out there smoking it, while admiring my gardens.


No more.  I can't do it any more!  I can't be a contradicotry hyppocrite. I don't like playing that part. 

The last time I "stopped" smoking was 3:00pm on June 16, 2011.  Countless in my endeavors, I always bought and picked up again, and again, and again....

Smoking was a secret!  I refused to smoke in public.  As a professional, as a public speaker, I refused to allow subordinates and the general public to witness my habit or be aware of it at all.   If I was out for hours at a time, the craving burn would not be appeased until I got home, outside on the patio, wherein I would chain smoke.   I was a sneak.  I was a cheat. 

I don't want to live like this any longer!  Why?  #1 - Health issues; #2 - the vile and unattractive smell;  #3. - Vanity in having to maintain the role of a "good example" in the eye of the public; #4 - The cost:- money spent on cigarettes can go to a multitude of other positive factors;  #5 - Making Love - my smoke-free partner will not come near me due to the cigaretter smell;  #6 - I would like to be thoroughly good, no longer a hypoccrite. 

There are more reasons, but you get the idea.  So, if I have to check in to 'ex' every hour, I will.  Right now my determination is high, my spirit is in agreement, it's my mind that is the problem = breaking the habit.  This is not going to be easy.  I know,  You know.  But with your help, I can "task-to-goal." 

Be True to Yourself! Live FREE and honest! All addicts lie to cover up their addictions - especially to themselves!

Good for you!  Wait, this quitting smoking is so uch more than quitting smoking!


Welcome to your New Smoke-Free Life!!!  (no lie......really!!!!)


We are so proud of you with your decision to really stop smoking. Anytime you are having a problem or a craving, come talk to us and we will be here to support you and yo cheer you on.


I also hid my smoking habit - was not "out" at work as a smoker.  I'm really looking forward to being a true non-smoker, instead of just pretending to be one!!


Way to go!  Here are some links to some grat sites that have really helped many people here. The more you know about the nicotine addiction the more likely your success!

Make sure to drink plenty of water and some juice. Best wishes to you and please stay close.


Hi and welcome to the site! Congrats on deciding to quit! You can do this - the support here is wonderful! I also used the sites mentioned by Maggie above - espcially Allen Carr's book (first link) and - great - free - course!

Be sure to stick around!