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Share your quitting journey

I was sailing along in my quit...

0 16 45

....approaching ten months! Sometimes, I almost felt guilty that my time had been so free of urges and cravings!

That day, a woman was crying outside my apt building. Another woman was attempting to console her. The first woman was shaking, trembling saying she was cold and hungry. She was a veteran, just got home from Afghanistan and here in Calif. why did the darn banks make you have an address before issuing you an ATM card and how was she to withdraw her money? So, I brought her to my apt., along with the second woman, so we could discuss how to help her. I gave her a jacket, fed her, gave her $20 and the second woman gave her $13 and vowed to take her to her hotel while picking up her daughter (16yrs) at the Boys and Girls Club.

Several days later, I get a phone call from her and she comes over. I am thrilled to see her and I tell her I knew she'd return to pay me back. But, no, she's in dire need this time. Her daughter, on her way to a tournament with other Boys and Girls from the club, began to have seizures and is now in the hospital in San Francisco. We go online and look at how much a ticket costs on the bus. $52 round trip. Where is your ATM card, I ask? Oh, it's with her daughter, of course. But the military has paid her all her back pay and she'll be back to pay me.

Before she left, I instructed her to call me and let me know how her daughter was doing once she got there.

She called an hour later. She sounded "off". Not particularly making sense.

I waited an hour. I called her back. This time, she made NO sense. Just kept saying "Ok" to whatever I asked her.

I knew. I had given $80 (total) to someone, this woman, this "vet", and it was all a scam. A fraud. I was out $80 now and I'd most likely never see her or my money again. Me. The one who's as poor as a church mouse. Living on disability.

In the past, my family and friends have gotten very upset with me for being so "gullible" and "naive". For being so willing to help others when I don't know that they're on the up and up. And here it was again. I'd done it again, for Pete's sake!

I was so angry, so humiliated, so disappointed in my own lack of judgment I was ready to smoke. Then and there.

It was thanks to my neighbor that I didn't.

I am ashamed for not knowing better. I have not divulged this episode to my family and only one friend knows. I am so terribly embarrassed for being taken in.

So, when I later called the phone number, the person who owns the phone answered. His name is Chris and I told him I was going to keep "nagging" him until I got my money back as he knows her. He knows she's a con artist, too. He said he was sorry for her behavior but it wasn't his fault. I agreed but said I needed my money back and his number was my only connection to her.

It has taken me a couple of weeks here to pull up the nerve to share this with you all. I have FINALLY learned my lesson the hard way.

I managed to not smoke over it but man, it was hard. After a day or so, I went back to sailing, not even thinking about smoking. But this episode scared me. Made me realize to never be complacent about my quit and to recognize one of my strongest triggers is fear plus money plus acute disappointment.

Thanks for listening...


Happens to the best of us , but write it off as charity n let it go , in the future never borrow anything you cant afford to live w/out !

Congrads on 10 mos !! Thats most important!


Do not be ashamed or  embarassed. .. You have a special gift, a heart of gold.  It is them that needs to feel embarrased and ashamed.  embarased.  You did what is right and good.  This world needs more of you. 


Oh, Lynette! You have a BIG HEART! You know, the Bible tells us to care for our neighbor and tell help others and that's all you did! It wasn't your fault that this person was a scammer!!!! I would ask you to forgive yourself - you really did everything RIGHT! And the benefits you will recieve will be from Our Creator who witnessed the whole thing! Believ in Miracles, Lynette! Stop blaming yourself and know that you have a wonderful quality - COMPASSION! That alone is worth the price tag!!!! Congratulations on 10 Months Smoke FREE! BE PROUD! You were challenged and met the challenge with bravery! I'm so PROUD of YOU!!!! I'm very, very lucky to count you among my Friends!!!! {{{{{LYNETTE}}}}}


Awe dear friend, I think this is called BEING A GOOD SAMARITAN. What Jesus would want you to do in this situation. You have done NOTHING wrong and have NOTHING to be ashamed of, only she does.



lynette! your story and everyones response have made me cry ( its not hard to make me cry lately). Thomas is right. God knows what you have done! do not be embarrassed. Be proud. You helped someone in need. as far as you knew.

you are kind.



Lynette,   You only wanted to help.    If you stepped right over her as she sat there crying, you'd be ashamed and embarrassed.  There are alot of desperate people out there, and even more scammers.

 Don't let this change the caring person you are.


Oh honey it breaks my heart to hear you be so hard on yourself, when all you did was BELIEVE that people are good!  You are an angel with a big open heart and I'll take that any day over pessimism and cynicism. Don't you dare let this make you feel bad about yourself! 


God wants us to take a chance and help people. God knows your heart.

And, don't you know God loves you for it?


Lynette, I would have helped her too...don't feel bad anymore. You're a wonderful person and I'm proud to have you for a friend!


Yes everyone is so right.  God know you did it with a beautiful heart.  God smiled on YOU.  And God Bless you for protecting your quit.  Sounds like your neighbor was your angel.  Sending you hugs.  You are a BEAUTIFUL person.


Thank you for sharing Lynette!  You are such a beautiful person with a huge heart.  Karma will come back to you 3 fold for your good deed.  Don't beat yourself up.  Great job not smoking!!

I would have done the same thing. I have been taken to many times. Don't be Ashamed kind heart head held high

(((Lynette))))) you are never wrong to be kind.


My dear sweet Lynette, please don't feel bad. You acted on what was in your heart. You are a special special lady, karma will take care of that woman.




okay lynette, i have something to ask you... have you ever taken a one day course in the college for something you may never use again  like a basket making class or did you ever spend alot of money on something like material and then found out  you could have made you project alot cheaper with scraps.... 

this is basiclly what you did.... you paid $80 for a lesson in life.. this is a lesson well earned  it could have been alot more... my father in law  bless his soul was one onf the kindest  people on earth  he would give the shirt off his back... then someone scammed him out of thousands of dollars...he was so embarassed  that he never told anyone until his daughter seen how much weight he was losing... this lesson served well ... she investigated  called police  then found out he was suffering from dementia (he was 85 yrs old)... she was able to take over his banking account so that this would not happen again and amoved him into her house.... a very expensive lesson indeed  ... but it did save his life... he could have easily been killed or injured ...

but who knows why god does what he does and who are we to question him... everything happens for a reason... you are a good and decent person... forgive yourself ...  you did the right thing  going after the person to pay you back ... because you have voiced your self that this is not okay... she is a criminal... remember that ... and dont let her into your life anymore...

Oh Lynette - I would have been just as gullible I'm sure! There is no fault in wanting to help someone in trouble. I'm just sorry this person hurt you this way - not to mention getting your money! I hate that! Please take care!