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Share your quitting journey

I've set my quit date!

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Hello 👋 everybody I hope you are doing well in your journeys to be nicotine free. Today I decided its finally time for me to say goodbye to the smoking habit I've carried with me for nearly 30 years. I have smoked cigarettes on and off (mostly on) since I was around 15 years old. Smoking has caused me health problems both physical and psychological between anxiety and poor sleep to running out breath just going for A walk outside cigarettes have taken my quality of life right out from underneath me. Even though I know the problems I have that are directly related to smoking it's been the one thing I keep telling myself I need to stop doing yet I reach for another one and another one over and over again. I know that if I want to live A longer and healthier life, to have more energy and not miss important moments I need to stop smoking. I'm tired of feeling like crap and smelling like an ashtray! Im tired of not having the energy to play with my kids or just be active! I'm tired of what cigarettes have done to my body, mind and soul! There is so much more I can say but this is A good place to get started. I have set my eyes on the first of the year to quit so I can give myself A reasonable goal and prepare for the long journey ahead. I want to explore all my options and resources and cut back over some time instead of going cold turkey. It took me so long to get here so I know it will take time and 110% effort to make this change. January 1st here I come and soon cigarettes will be the EX I'm completely over.