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I stopped today...and, it's a really hard day...but, I feel okay.

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Today is the day...that I stop smoking and go to just the gum. I feel okay so far, but someone close to a family member passed away suddenly from a heart attack and it's been pretty awful to try and sort out. He was 23 years old. He was not a smoker, but it gave me more resolve for the reasons for quitting, while at the same time with all that is going on, all the other smokers who are around me, and all of the stress, it has made it harder. Nonetheless, I am pretty clear that smoking is not a reward, and this is not a sacrifice...and, smoking will not make this better. I do not want to change my day in terms of never smoking again, after today, because of this...because there is never going to really be a day or time that is "good" for me.
Thank you for keeping in contact. I am very, very busy all of the time, but it has helped a lot to know that this site is here, and that it is a long term thing where I can be involved. Hope everyone is having a great day...and, doing okay with their quit. Em


There will always be stress, there will always be reasons to put off quitting once again. But when will the right time finally come? It is now! You have made the decision to quit and you have already done it. The scary part is over. You have ripped off the bandaid so to speak. Now all you have to do is maintain it. Focus on soemthing else because those cigarettes are only going to increase the stress and add a good pound of guilt and shame to it as well.

Hang tough and blog with us.


Connie is so right, the hard part - making the decision is over. And your realization that smoking won't make anything better is the key to keep you on your journey to be nicotine free.  Take time each day for yourself and tell yourself that you are proud of your decision.



  Thank you so very much! I just got back from the hospital. It's a very, very sad day, after what happened last night, and there are a lot of smokers around, but it's going okay. I am very resolved...and, the cravings have not been to bad. I pretty much just keep telling myself to not panic or go into some depression or funk as if I am losing something worthy and remind myself that the real thing that is worthy is to quit and never take another puff again. That this will change my life...the other just leads to more nonsense that I don't need in my life. I can't believe how enlightening this process has been...I had no idea how much this ruled my life. 

 I pretty much only smoked two room and my car...and, shocking...those were the only two places I ever went. I have been so secluded and now I can't believe how exciting it is to imagine being able to be other places, because I am no longer a smoking slave. So, it is sustaining me...along with the really nice comments from everyone here. It really helps. Thank you very much. Hope your day is wonderful, Em 🙂


Very sorry to hear about your friend and you are so right to come here today....we've all been thru this part of the quit and it DOES get'll hear everyone here say that a LOT... And you wrote   "Nonetheless, I am pretty clear that smoking is not a reward, and this is not a sacrifice...and, smoking will not make this better. I do not want to change my day in terms of never smoking again, after today, because of this...because there is never going to really be a day or time that is "good" for me."      Life happens, and you are right, smoking won't fix anything.....xoxo please STAY close to this site and let us know how you're feeling!   Nancy


Thank you Nancy!! I have to thank you again so much for the book. That book changed my life. I was so scared prior to reading it. I honestly think it might be one of the best things ever written. It changed my whole attitude and mind about this...It all got so much easier and gave me some tools to fight the big and little monster. It almost made this feel natural, which it is, but I love the idea that I do not have to buy into the brainwashing...It made me feel like I actually had the confidence to do quit for good. I also realized, that although there will be difficult times, I have done harder. I had almost thought this was the one thing I could never do, and I was so scared, so insecure, and so sad...and, then I read that book at it all turned around! So, really thank you! Take care, Em 🙂


Stay strong sound really good for day one...( on day one I would walk into a room and forget why I went in there ),

Stay close and remember NOPE=Not One Puff Ever...and as long as you stick to this ONE SIMPLE rule, you will the meantime, drink plenty of fresh cold water to rid your body of the toxins, smaller,nutritious meals throughout the day to keep your blood-sugar levels steady, (don't diet!)....take big arm STRETCHES as often as needed to relax tense muscles and most importantly, take big DEEP BREATHS TO RELAX AND RELIEVE anger... take a nap, take walks, stay buzy with something you LIKE and brush you teeth immediately after each meal...xoxo