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Hoping i will be able to quit. I will be asking my Dr. for something to help me. I hoping to try chantix. I already have alot of aniexty about quitting.


I am right there with you - i got a prescription for chantrix but then decided against it when i realised how expensive it was.  My friend is on it and is doing well with not smoking though so I would suggest it.


This is a great book that will help you tremendously in quitting smoking.  It will help you know what to expect, when, how to handle it, how to face the mental battle that is coming... it is just a great peice of info that could really help.

WELCOME!  I'm terrible at copying and posting so I wanted to get that out of the way.  I'm Zina, I've been quit 827 days.  I am not an expert but I have quit 827 days!  There are a lot of people on this site who can help you.  So stick close to this site.  IF you are experiencing a problem or a crave, just put "HELP" in your blog title and that's what you will get.  Protect Your Quit.


Welcome, we are here for you♥


Welcome to the site! Start reading and doing the homework on this site! we are here to answer questions and support your efforts! Congratulations on choosing life and breath!


Welcome!!  Please use the lind that zinamarie gave you!  In order to stay quit, we all need to learn the truth of how nicotine affects our brains (not only physically) and we need to change the way we think and react. That free online read is simple, and has taught so many of us so much.

Stick around, this site is amazing for support!





PS.  anxiety over quitting is almost always worse than actually doing it! Take time to do relaxing breaths, and blog often!


Well i couldn't get the chantix, so i tried e-liquid cigarettes i quit for 7 days. then they started to break and you had to buy part's and liquid for them. I started smoking again. I have no support at home.