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I like to do "What I was Thinking This Time Last Year"

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October 2012 I was thinking this:


You name the situation and we oldies have experienced it. You will always have our stories to relate too.


Mine is a bit uncommon and I'll share this with you today. I determined I was not going to be miserable


and hey ! guess what!?  With that decision I had perhaps one of the easiest quits known.  "Well hell


James tell us tell us!" OK,, But it may not  be what you want to hear. You remember asking


someone, perhaps and usually older, how they quit?? Yes , sure you do,  we have all ask someone with


some significant quit  time behind them how they did  it, right? And sometimes , most times  in fact they


said this,,,,"Well you have got to WANT to quit first and have your MIND MADE UP that you WANT TO QUIT."  "No No NO we mean


the part about  the "Easy" button. The DECISION is the "EASY" button. Once the DECISION is made the hard part is over!


I smoked 36 years,,let me rephrase that,,I OBSESSED over cigarettes from the first one I ever put in my


mouth in 1972 until December of 2009. I attempted  3 times previously to quit and didn't do it,, not 'could


not do it'  but did not do it.(1972  I was 14 and had to sneak,,at 15 I smoked in earnest, permit at school whole 9 yards)


I made the DECSION  finally ,, said in March of 09 I would quit, , I failed    after 16 days. set Christmas as new date and said "OH wow  come


Christmas I'll be an Ex smoker!" I never lost sight of that  DECISION and Christmas of 09 after 3


weeks of Chantix, (No NRT for me ) and Reading Allen Carrs book I said  "Praise Be I am done"


It was one of the happiest days in my life,,, didn't dread,,did not TRY,  did not say LUCK, or in fact use any


or allow any negativity to enter into  my quit. I came here a few weeks before quit date saw what I could use and


left the rest. I followed long time quitters very closely,, I am free today to live as I want,, School, Church,


Resturants, Friends houses, Cars,, Job  FREE TO GO ANYWHERE!!!


Well have rambled as usual , I'll stop now and hope this may help someone. 


Dec. 25, 2013 will make4 years of happy freedom. Peace to all


I remain faithfully yours,,James , "The Happy Quitter"