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Share your quitting journey

I know its been a few days since my last blog but some good news

0 1 16
I still haven't stopped smoking. I'm not ready. I need to get ready though. I have a quit buddy and we are both working on quitting together and thats a good thing. Maybe its things that she can help me with and that I can help her with. But my good news is, I got a job! I work Part time in a mall as an ambassador or customer service rep! I am so excited. Ive been working for 2 weeks now. The bad news is, its not helping my stress much. I find that stress and boredom are my 2 real big triggers and I just need to find another outlet. Any help with something would be great. Usually I take to food when I am bored or depressed, so I need another separation technique. Im not really big on candy but I heard it works, I like juice but I know that only juice and candy wont help me. I am too addicted. I need more ideas and more separation techniques or I will fail and I know it. Anyone with ideas are welcome to reply to the blog. You just might help me and my quit buddy!
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