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I have a Star in my Hand!

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Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand  and melting like a snow flake


— M.B. Ray



      I like Living Smoke FREE!    
      I like getting up and stretching, going for the coffee pot and putzing through my morning routine with my Wife without having to rush outside for that morning Fix! When I get out of the shower, I smell fresh and clean and I have confidence that it will last all day instead of smelling like an ashtray! When I brush my teeth I see them white, my tongue pink, my breath fresh.     
      I love doing my EXercises without worrying about my workout buddies smelling smoke on me or wondering why I sneak out in the middle of my workout time to stand in shame outside around the corner and hopefully out of sight!    
      I love visiting elderly and very young relatives as well as picking up a cat for a lap sit or petting a dog without worrying about doing them harm with the third hand smoke that clinged to my clothes, hair, hands, even my face!     
      I like mealtime because I really truly taste my food for the first time in years. I have real conversations with my meal partners, be they family, friends, or coworkers. I can easily focus on the moment instead of having my mind hijacked by my next after-dinner fix.    
      I enjoy my alone time with true mindfulness. Mindfulness isn't something that an Addictive Mind can actually EXperience for long - they have to get back to their addiction - soon!    
      I enjoy my together time with folks - when I leave them after a nice visit, it's a genuine see you soon not motivated by having to get back to my precious!    
      I feel great at work because I focus on my work while I'm there - not my next break! I relax on my break because I don't have to eat in 15 minutes "so I'll have time to step outside!" I relate well with people in a direct nonaddictive way! I deal with problems rather than smoke them away. I have much more patience for challenges and use determination and focus to get through tough situations. I clock out satisfied that I gave my best every minute of the shift.     
      I like getting ready for bed and prayer and meditation time when I reflect on my day, on my loved ones and prayer list friends, when I converse with my Creator! I do it with honest integrity, with a sense of accomplishment, with the certainty that living    
      Smoke FREE is the only way for me to BE!    

beautiful post thomas 🙂


Hi Thomas.  That is an inspirational post.  I love it. 


Hi Thomas.  That is an inspirational post.  I love it. 


I love this. I might borrow this quote :). It is so so true. I'm just sad it took me til age 38  to figure it out!


Nice! You made someone smile today!


Thomas, Thanks for always being here to encourage and inspire. You are a great asset to this site,


Thank you, Thomas,  for always sharing your bright light with us. You help me to shine everyday♥


GOD bless you Thomas♥


Delightful blog!  Thank you, Thomas! 

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1