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Share your quitting journey

I choose to live and not to smoke. Here's to you, Dad... (better late than never)

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(I had written this in a response to my previous post, but decided to share it as a new blog post also)

 It is hard during a craving to remember all the reasons why I want and need to quit, but when I remind myself of those very real fears, the awful smokers hangover in your mouth and throat and chest, the stench in the car, the fear of disease, there is no joy in that. My father died at 57 years old from heart disease. He had open heart surgery at age 47. My grandfather had his voicebox removed from cancer of the larynx. I was still a kid then... but I remember how he would cough, he couldn't catch his breath. I never really realized all his health issues when I was a kid. I should know better. And now I do, so now I will make better choices. I choose to live and not to smoke. 

About the Author
I am an Artisan Jeweler, work from home, and it is my full time job. I love dogs, have 3, and like to walk and I used to be a runner... Maybe someday soon, I will have the energy to resume my workouts!