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How to quit without the drugs and money

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 "Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times." (this quote is not by Mark Twain and is hard to trace to who coined it). This quote really caught my eye one day on the internet. I've tried to quit smoking multiple times and each time ended in a failure where I once again lit up a cigarette. I used smoking as a crutch for my anxiety, everytime I quit smoking my anxiety would get ridiculously out of control to the point I would make myself physically ill from stress. I hated this side of myself, and hated that I had to use an outside source as a crutch rather than being strong enough to handle my issues on my own. 

I started looking at ways to help me quit smoking and keep myself calm. As soon as you put anything like that into a search bar there are all kinds of add's being shoved in your face for medications and "hollistic" ways to quit smoking that you would have to spend lots of money on. I have already spent loads of money on cigarettes and here is more organizations asking for more money to "help" me quit smoking. I was so sick of the organizations preying on my weakness by digging into my wallet. I tried a perscription from my docotor called Wellbrutrin or something of that nature and I later tried some herbal remedies. None of them seemed to work, I was angry from the nicotine withdrawl, the medication added to my mood swings, the anxiety stayed, and as anyone who has quit smoking knows, you have a battle being waged in your head about getting a pack of cigarettes.....after all, what would just one cigarette hurt?

That's when I started thinking about the affect nicotine was having on my mind. Were these thoughts of wanting a cigarette my own or the result of the chemicals mixing around in my body? This thought disturbed me above all else, I'm willingly putting something into my body that could have this big of an affect on my thoughts? My attitude? My personality even? I really wanted to quit now, and luckily I found a tip how on the internet that really was natural and healthy. 

Now here is where you might think, " ah here is where she gives us her sales pitch to go buy something that she is now endorsing", well I'm really not lol. I did see a "lifehack" on pinterest one day for quitting smoking and decided to give it a try. The lifehack was that if you are trying to quit smoking then you should go to a sauna for three days in a row, this will allow your body to sweat out all the nicotine in your system. I then did some reseach on the different types of saunas, what ones do best with detoxing your whole body, what types had more health benefits or were more comfortable to be in. I did some solid research for a couple of days. Then I remembered that my mom always enjoyed saunas and christmas was coming up. I had some refund money from school and so I decided to get her a christmas present to out-do all christmas presents. I bought her one of those little one room saunas that you can install yourself. 

I'm not going to lie, this sauna did not solve all of my problems with smoking. First time I used it and quit I ended up falling off the wagon from making myself ill again. So then I started yoga in addition to my daily workouts, this helped a lot with finding my inner peace and learning how to control my anxiety. I don't think that would work for everyone, but part of life is finding what works best for you. Medication may work better for others, but after realizing what a crutch smoking had been for me I did not want to substitute one crutch for another. I wanted a cure and not just a masking of the symptoms. Cures come from the inside, from learning about yourself. 

So I know I'm only five days in too not smoking but I'm not having any of the same issues I did before. I've sweated out all of the nicotine and I no longer have the feeling of absolute need for a cigarette. Having quit before I know the first two weeks are just horrible, and I'm just not going through that at all right now. The sauna helped a lot, especially with the chemicals that get stuck in your body, but it really comes down to finding your inner strength. 


Lots of truth here.  If you can do 5 days, you can do the rest of your life.  So, let's assume that's what you are doing.

You might still benefit from some reading.  Has anyone given you any links to specific sites to learn about nicotine addiction?

Hope you come here often.  This site is a wonderful help in quitting and staying away from smoking for good.

P.S.  I like your screen name.


First of all, welcome to our community. One of the elders will post some links to some articles that you are urged to read. They have helped many on here with their quit.

Now! There is no cure for smoking! YOU have to make up your mind to NOT smoke. We are addicts plain and simple. I'm not going to say it is easy.It isn't. It is so worth the journey to being smoke free though. I am proud to say that as of this morning, I have beat my addiction and have been clean for 114 days.

We are always here to help if you hit a rough spot. Post and ask for help, we will help as much as we are able.

Best wishes for your journey through this quit.

One step, and then another, gets you to where you want to be.

Hugs and love from all of us.

Larry the Caravan Master


"Nicotine is not only a "big player" with cancer risks but has been linked to hardening of the arteries and cardiovascular disease, memory impairment, dementia, and chronic depression."

The link above helped me learn what nicotine has done to my body and brain cells. Once I understood the addiction, I was able to move forward and quit. I smoked a lot of years and quit once 31 years ago for 3 years. This is my second quit, 28 years later. Today is my day 148 of freedom from smoking and nicotine.

Keep your promise to yourself and keep moving forward.


Welcome to our community!


Did you know that the anxiety you felt when you quit smoking was caused by the nicotine receptors in your brain demanding to be fed?  You are a nicotine ADDICT and there ARE withdrawal symptoms.  You need to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your mind and body!  To that end, I highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” This is an easy and entertaining read. Here is a link to a free PDF version of it:


As well, read the sections on this site, and read the blogs, responses and pages of folks you think might be helpful. You might also want to visit, and


After you have completed the readings, it will be time to make your quit plan, including what quit aid , if any, you will use, and the crave busters you think will work for you. Then you can approach your quit day with a plan in place.  


Stay close to us here and ask questions as you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!



I love saunas, they're so relaxing. I'm glad it's helping you. 

Please be sure to read the link Nancy gave you above -- it's a link to a free book you can download, one that has helped many of us understand this addiction and the mind games we play with ourselves. You've gotten through the detox part, now you need to consider what comes next. 

Most of all, stick close to this community. We can help you as you navigate these waters, from 5 days to a month and beyond! 



ya know, if you eat 4 lbs of peas and one slice of bacon one time you can quit smoking. (if you believe it)

it's in your head.

nicotine is water soluable.

all you have to do is drink water to flush your system.

the "aha" moment for me with the sauna is it didn't work the first time.

why did it work the second time? because you believed it would.


The sauna worked the first time in the manner it was supposed to, but my anxiety that I've had literally since birth conteracted it to much. it was the combination of finding my inner strength to overcome my anxiety and the sauna that got me to quit. Not everyone has anxiety and other learn to handle it in different ways. 

4lbs of peas and a slice of bacon will not detox your body like sweating will. I could go ahead and create an experiment to test this but who really has the time?

I will agree that science can really only get us so far and then our belief will get us the rest of the way.



after reading your profile i get what you were trying to say by posting that comment. 

however, saunas do help you sweat the nicotine out of your body which can lessen the withdrawl symptoms and make things a bit easier. 


Where's the nearest sauna!!! I am so happy for you that you have gone five days without a cigarette!!! That is quite an accomplishment and definitely something to feel good about!!! I am so glad that you have found this site because it seems like there is a really good group of people here and a lot of wisdom flying about! There are a lot of links being given to education and I believe education is empowerment! You lift weights and do yoga and play football and all the stuff you do because you want to be fit and strong. When you are empowered you are strong! Since you don't seem to be adverse to research I would do the reading that everyone is recommending to just increase the odds of this being your forever quit!!! I am very new here and my quit date was set for March eleventh but just tonight I moved it up to March first. I have to do this reading myself!!! I am looking forward to that e-book. Knowlege is power!!! You seem like you are a force to be reckoned with!!! You can do this!!! Stay strong!!! I think the reason you may not be suffering as many side effects (besides the sauna) and have such peace is that right here, right now, in this place and time you have decided to take control of your life and your choices and have decided that you don't want to smoke anymore and cigarettes are not an option! They are not part of the plan! Your plan!!! Stick to the plan!!! Take care! I hope you stick around!!!


Well typically the nearest sauna's are at your gym. My gym has a very nice sauna. Thank you so much for all that encouragement and positive energy. I'm still doing good and only get mild cravings maybe three times a day. Nothing that is seriously bothersome or tempting. I started back up on the Couch to 5k Challenge and i didn't feel like my lungs were bursting.