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Share your quitting journey

How to keep the weight off!

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So I have been reading a lot of blogs and posts about weight gain, the fears and such. What if you could quit without thise fears and become healthy all while quittimg? I have challenged myself and perhaps it will help others as well! I lost 40 pounds in the last year and a half and obviously worry about gaining it all back. I have chosen to exercise in place of those smokes! Everytime a craving hits... before you head outside or light that smoke you have to do 10 sit ups, 5 pull ups, lunges, squats, jumping jacks, several laps up and down the stairs etc... This can work on several levels... 1> you have to do something physical Before you smoke. 2> You have now taken your mind off of smoking for those few minutes 3> You have put the urge on hold 4> you are not picking up food in place of smoking. Once you did your exercise if you still NEED to smoke then do so but chances are while exercising your mind had moved onto something else. Your endorphins have increased and your blood flow and metabolism has increased your oxygen levels creating a calm and peace in you that will fight those urges! Good luck and go get healthy!