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How is it everyone?

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DAY 2 and going strong!  Hurray, how are your days going? Had a few dizzy spells today, but then I suffer from low blood pressure so maybe this in combination with nicotine withdrawal is the cause? I have again cleaned up and removed as much cigarette related stuff as I can (my partner still smokes and is due back next week).

Hope all going well for everyone ....


Congrats Nick!

On day two of being a non-smoker. You Rock!

Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins that build up in your body.

Remember not to be overconfident in your quit. I remember my first days, I had to remain very humble or I could have rewarded myself with a smoke for making it a whole day without smoking. See the mind games that addiction can play on you.

You sound strong. Stay focused. Looking forward to hearing more from you.


Yay Nick!!!  You are doing great.  Stay focused and healthy.


Congratulations on 2 days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It gets better and better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SO Happy for you!!!  Stay Strong...and PLEASE PROTECT YOUR QUIT when your Partner returns........ N.O.P.E.


I too have low blood pressure. Make sure you eat a balanced meal however small it may be. I forget sometimes and go to the gym and low and behold I have to leave because I am about to pass out. You are doing good cleaning out all the smoke related items. I live with a smoker and when I quit I ask him to be considerate of me and not leave any smoking aparatus around. Sometimes he leaves his Marlboro Reds out and I just want to throw them away. I always remember though, this is my quit, not his. Stay close and stay strong, it can be done.


Thanks all, Yes Kris the return is going to be when the tough time really starts!


Today is my day 2 as well. I hope you stay quit even when your partner gets home. STAY strong and focused.


You can find phone meetings to go to and meeting makers do make it


Small meals and plenty of water ... I don't drink hardly enough water, this has always been a problem even when living in extreme heat conditions ... I MUST start! Jojo can so relate to the pass out at the gym!

This Wednesday my Mother and Sister are visiting from the UK, I feel a liuttle stressed as my Sister is, God bless her, a very high maintenance gal, and my two rescue dogs are not exactly social .... should I shoot them now?!!!!! I hope this will not cause a hiccup in my new resolve ... and then Dave back on the following Sunday ....

Jojo, I know when I tried to quit before I used to crave the cigarette butts left by friends in my house, once I got so desperate I trufed one out of my kitchen bin! I hope since this time I have the Lozenges I won't stoop to that again (not a pretty sight)!


Nick - you are doing great - congrats on 2 days!

NO - don't shoot the dogs!! It will be okay - somehow. Tell your sister to behave!

I lived with two smokers when I quit - it can be done. (They moved out in March.) You will be okay. It is all about honoring your commitment. You can do anything - just not smoke!! (Or shoot the dogs!!)

Take care - stay close and you will be fine. Any problems - promise yourself you will come here first and write a blog - put HELP in the topic line and wait for responses!!! Promise! (You may have to wait - given the time differnce - but there is usually someone around here!)

Congrats again!


Congratulations Nick!  Well done!  Identifying future challenges is a great way to protect your quit!  I'm impressed that you seem strong, even in the midst of these stressors.  Remember the visitors are temporary, and like JoJo said- its your quit.  I hope your partner will respect that and supports you!  But you don't need that if he doesn't.  You can still do it without.  My brother quit before his wife by about a year, and even currently she still smokes on and off.  He managed and I was really impressed and inspired by that.  So it can be done!  Good luck.


Hi Nick, CONGRATS on DAY 2 and remember your coping skills,lol...img alt="" src="" />


Thanks again to all, I just spoke with Dave on Skype and he says if I am making the effort to quit he will start to cut back when he returns, so that is really good news.

Do you guys find it hard when you are watching tv and one of the characters is smoking? Just realised that when I was watching Rebus and he lit up felt like reaching for a pack! Going to get a lozenge!!!!