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Share your quitting journey

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I'm doing great. I have been quit for 108 days and I'm happy. I have been reading easy way to quit smoking from my phone but I will buy the book along with the book easy way that women quit smoking. It's by the same author, I just can't think of his name right now and I don't have much time to think of his name right now but it will come to me later. How are you all doing on your quits? How are you all doing  period? I hope that you all are having a nice day in your hometown? As for me, I'm having a great day so far. I have talked to a friend of mine from high school yesturday and she had been quit for 10 years. I hope that my quit last that long, I pray that it lasts forever. I don't want to go back to cigarettes. I use to think that cigarettes was my friend as a teenager, but now I know that cigarettes are not my friends. They are my enimies. I think that selling cigarettes should be against the law in this country and in every country around the world. Like electric cigarettes are banned in Canada, real cigarettes should be banned in the world. All they are doing is killing people. The Government should treat cigarettes like they do street drugs. Cigarettes had killed my mother and I don't want any other family to have to deal with what my family had to deal with. It is hard to lose a family member to cancer. Like I said before, she was not the reason why I quit smoking, but she is the reason why I'm staying quit. I'm proud of everyone who had quit, are quiting and getting ready to quit. I have quit and I feel great. I can smell food better and I'm not ready to give that up. I can smell food better and I'm not ready to give that up. My leg no longer falls asleep on me unless I sit on it. My blood presure had been normal (without the patch or with on me and rather I take my high blood presure medication or not) and I'm happy about that. I'm happy that I quit smoking and I can't wait to get the electric cigarette. I may not get nicotine in it, I don't know yet. I'm thinking about getting flavored cherry, or mint. I don't know yet. But I'm never going to buy a real cigarette again. Have a nice day and I will talk to you next week.