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Share your quitting journey

Hi, my name is Kim and I am addicted to smoking!

0 9 14

BUT... I am ready to quit FINALLY.

How great is this site!  I have been smoking since I was 15 and I am now 47... do the math... that is a long time.  However, there were two times I did quit throughout this time period. Once for 2 years and the other for 8 years.  See my description for details...

1-1/2 to 2 pack a day smoker here!  My doctor talked me into trying Chantix... started it 4 days ago.  I don't really see a change yet except for trouble sleeping and feeling tired. Not horrible side effects thankfully. I was scrared to death to go on it but bit the bullet and decided to give it a go.  I plan to continue on this path to see where it goes once the dosages go up to their max.  The other times I quit it was on the Patch.  Both times I started were caused by family situational stress.

Not only am I going to stop smoking, I also started a healthy eating and excercise plan 3 weeks ago.  All of these lifestyle changes are for health reasons.  I go this Friday for a heart stress/echo test to make sure the ole ticker is doing okay.  I decided I am way too young for these health concerns and I have way too much to live for!  I guess I may have taken on quite a bit... but sooner or later the choice would be taken away from me by fate if I continue on the path of destroying my body.  Time to learn NEW ways to enjoy relaxing, comfort, stress, anger, etc.  The old ways just arn't working anymore!

Love this site and I am so proud of all of us!

Kim 🙂


best of luck to you!  i just quit today, and am trying the patch.  i have quit before using the patch but always went back so please let us know if the chantix really helps with urges.  i'm thinking i may have to try it if i slip up again.


Great Decision.

You've done it twice before. You know what caused you to start back up.  No reason you can do it for the last time.

My page my help you. If you click on the cat (Hoggie) it will take you there.

Spend time her. Blog like you have. Read others blogs. The answers to questions you haven't even asked are there.



Hi Kim,

Welcome to the site.  Take it one minute, one day at a time and try not to over whelm yourself by trying to stop so many things at one time.  You can do this!!!

The journey continues.


Thank you Scott!  "One Day at a Time" is my motto as well. In fact I wear a necklass pendant that says just those words.

I will make updates as to how the Chantix is working out. I have discovered that it definately isn't a magic pill though (laughs).  It is going to take work for it all to come together.


Thank you everyone for such a warm welcome. I look forward to reading everyone's blogs. My mind is like a sponge and my "will" is ready to join in along with it. 🙂


Yes, this site is awesome and yes you can do it!!!! I am half way through my 6th day! I too am on Chantix.  Didn't see a diference while I have been taking it. But that doesn't matter because I wanted to quit. Your story  is so similar to mine other than the exercise program However now that I am a nonsmoker I want to get back in shape. I smoked 41 years quit once for 2.5 years.  Would love to hear what you are doing in the fitness/eating healthy area!!!  The first 3 day were hard for me but I lived through them, and each day since has just gotten easier.  Looking back on the week it has gone by so fast!! Remember if you have to... take it 5 minutes at a time!!!  the minutes will turn into hours, hours into days, and then days into weeks!!!!! FREEDOM!!


Welcome Kim,

I also started my journey with Chantix, it will work but you have to work with it.. The key to a solid quit is education, you have to learn about this addiction and how it controls our lives then you must find the best way for you to conquer it. Read everything that is suggested and learn, learn, learn.  Come here often read, blog, and absorbe.  It really sounds like you have the right mindset, and that is a positve from the start.  Hope to see you hanging around and chalking up the days quit!


435 DOF


Welcome, you can do this stay strong and stay committed .



I know you can quit. There is no "magic" to it, you just have to keep your promise to yourself. Love yourself enough to quit hurting yourself.