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Share your quitting journey

Hi all!!!

0 11 13

You all asked me to check in when I can so that's what I'm doing 🙂  

Wow I'm learning this time of year is a trigger for me big time. Work is unbelievably hectic. In the past I would go "have a cig" to cool off and regroup. This hit me today and I was thinking "woa". I used hard candy and distraction to get through it. It wasn't a cake walk.  The upcoming week and months during this time are going to be extremely stressful for me. I will come here and read and gather my strength from you, my family.

Please know I am reading your posts and responding when I can. You all have no idea. Obamacare is killin' me!! LOL  95% of the American public have no idea of the size of the tsunami that's heading our way!!!!   I'm not gonna smoke over it!!

Thanks and hugs and love to all of you!!  Oh and we got our new mattress today so hopefully my back and leg nerve issues will improve as well.



P.S. My book is progressing nicely. Anyone who can offer advice on getting it published - please talk to me!


It was great that you checked in.  Be aware of triggers and remember that smoking won't change your stress levels.  Hang in and distract, distract, distract.  You have come to far to blow it now.  


WOW  - who gnu?  I got a new mattress today, too.  The new technology is amazing, isn't it?

You can STILL take your breaks - maybe go for a quick walk around your building, or find a bench under a tree (where folks AREN'T smoking!).

Hang in there ---- and remember to ask for help BEFORE you smoke - promise?


Quit 7/4/12


Good grief, that would make a non-smoker want to smoke! I wouldn't want to be in your shoes for all the tea in China. Best of luck dealing with the tsunami and I look forward to reading your post when you get the chance to send them. I would also like to thank you for all the help you've given me the last month.


Just remember:



Good luck with your job, thanks for all your help.  Hang in there.


Hi Laura,

Glad you checked in 🙂

You sweet lady have one Beautiful Quit going at just over 7 months. Those triggers or urges may come form time to time but they can GO just as quickly!

One thing for sure, is YOU are in CONTROL and you have the power to NOT give in to any trigger!

Hope that mattress is super duper comfy for ya!

Take care


@Marmac You go with that awesome support! xo

@ Laura...

I won't comment on politics…too personal and potentially too volatile for a public ,already very volatile ‘addiction’ cessation site…However, I am so glad you came and shared because no matter the work load or stress you are very clear where smoking is in that…Not an option as we re-learn life without cigarettes this first year of seasonal and very other kind of triggers…Bravo lady! And I mean…Lady to the 1st degree! …xo


Nice to see you!!!   

Remember to take breaks to regroup, without smoking.  It is so important to take the brake for the sake of the brake.... and to practice regrouping smoke free.

Way to go protecting your quit!!!!!


I had a tough time too today.... tomorrow is a new day.

I know all about Obamacare, I sit in those meetings too. At least we are lucky, smokers will not be able to get insured....wait until they figure that out. We are one step ahead....Thank God..

What is coming down the Pike is scary. I took my mom to the Dr yesterday for her regular check up...The new mandatory computer system is scary as hell....especially when they had her as a heart attack survivor...seriously, she never has had a problem with her heart...who in the hell put that in there by mistake???????

Oh well, on we go.


Its not politics anymore Joy, it's the law...The politics about it is long over. I agree with you though on political topics, but honest this is no longer political. It's the law, and one that the smarter than we are crowd did not think through. 


Hi Laura just wanted to let you know I have been going through te same thing.  it is hard too.  I have a quit of about9 months now and I still get hit with cravings. But WE WILL BEAT THIS.  We are stronger than our addiction. You hang in there.  It does get better.  And you are a very strong woman.  you will be just fine.  Nope    nef   Erma