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Hey you new quitters...It does get better....who would've thought? Day 208

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After 207 days, 9 hours, 34 minutes I hardly even think about cigarettes anymore.  For sure, when I get upset, my first thought is going to have a cigarette...but I know that is just the habit of smoking when upset.  I don't mean the addiction; I mean the actual habit of going to do something.  I am no longer dependent on was a fight and still is but it is so worth it!! If it wasn't hard to quit, it wouldn't mean as much now would it?

Funny how I thought I could never have fun again without my cigarettes.  Life was going to be over if I couldn’t smoke.  What was the point of living?  I actually had those thoughts in the beginning! Makes me chuckle now; life is much, much better now!

I had so many opportunities over the last 7 months to pick up a pack & just smoke.  I didn’t do it…nope… not once.  I stayed strong &  you can too…you newbies…it will get better but you need to stick with it…do it for you &  you only…it isn’t going to work if you are quitting for your spouse…your kids…your parents… gotta do it for you…. Stay Strong…you can do it!!