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Share your quitting journey

Hello I just wanted to introduce myself. I am new to the site and looking for a good support group!

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Hi my name is Amber, I am 30 years old with two beautiful kids, they are my main reasons I am quiting this bad habit. I want to be able to set good examples for them! I started smoking when I was 23 and have smoked off and on since. I started when life started getting to stressful for me to handle and decided one day well I am just going to smoke a cigarette to calm my nerves and one led to another and one year lead to another. I have 2 aunts that have lung cancer and a grandfather whom died from lung cancer, you would think that would be enough for me to quit but wasn't . I quit for almost 1 year on my on with very little support outside of a few friends and family. Again life got stressful and I decided to start again. I just need support from people that are going through the same thing. My husband smokes as well as my mom and I am around them a lot, and neither one want to quit with me so here I am trying to find someone who can relate to what I am going trough and give me advice. Thank you