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Haven't smoked for 28 days and I still want to stay quit.

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Thanks for this wonderful website and the helpful community here,
I hope everyone is doing great!
I know 28 days are just small numbers.
The last two fail attempts before I discovered this website, I couldn't even stopped smoking for 1 day.
I was a heavy smoker and I smoked 20-25 cigarettes a day. 

Before I started my third try, 
I followed every single steps in the quit plan provided by this website. Another way which motivates me the most is I learned to scare myself; learned to hate cigarettes like non-smokers. I keep telling myself that the cancer sticks I smoke everyday would get myself killed very soon, my bad habit also harms everyone around me, and nobody likes that kind of smell I'm carrying around after I smoke.
I know it sounds strange, but it works for me.  

My first smokeless two weeks was the hardest one.
Although I was using the nicotine patches, I still had the strong urge to smoke from time to time. I was prepared well before my quit date and I already expected what was going to happen to me. Whenever the urges came, I would go and read some benefits of quit smoking articles on the internet. At the same time, I gained supports from family and friends as well to stay quit. After 2 weeks of struggling, it became gradually easier to fight off the urges. 

There is always naysayers or anything negative makes our experience on quitting smoking harder.
But, always remember why we took the first step to quit.
So far, I'm feeling great about being an ex-smoker, I hope that I will still have same good strength in the future to stay quit.