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Share your quitting journey

Have a wonderful day......

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Like many of us, I tried to quit smoking several times before being successful this time with 637 smoke free days and counting but I believe finding this site was the support that I needed to be successful and to believe in myself. I found this site by fluke in June of 2014 and set up a quit date for July 7th but wasn't ready so I reset the date for the 14th and did alot of reading here but hid in the shadows until I was on my 18th day when I finally commented on someone's post and was asked if I could write a blog and tell them a little bit about myself so I did and I know that everyone here helped strengthen my resolve to remain quit because I was having a rough time but thankfully whenever I felt like I was crawling out of my skin or I was going to rip my hair out I came here and there was always someone to help me through the rough patches. I finally figured out with this quit that I wasn't just going to try to stop smoking but this time I knew in my heart and soul that I was going to do it no matter what, N.O.P.E - NOT One Puff Ever will give us a beautiful forever quit because S.I.N.A.O - Smoking Is Not An Option, if we do these two mantras then we have N.E.F - Never Ever Forget is one thing that I never ever want to go through again so I pray that I always remember those first few weeks of roller coaster ups and downs because I never want to go back only forwards because life without the crutch of cigarettes is absolutely wonderful, quitting smoking is so very doable, just be willing, determined and totally committed to succeed and you can and will be successful and at the end of each day you can smile because you have made it through another day WON and it's a wonderful feeling. 



Congratulations on 637 glorious smoke-free days, Marilyn!!! Thank you for being such a good example! I agree with you- S.I.N.A.O. because I will N.E.F. how I could have been so much farther on my journey if I had not given in. My medications for Bipolar would have evened out last time, but I just gave up. I know I will probably have all those ups and downs again, so this will be the last time I go through this. I will come out on the other side this time, because NOW is the time for my recovery! Way To Go, Marilyn!!!


Good morning. I myself have tried quitting several times, some for the wrong reason.  I believe the difference is support and the commiment to WORK the quit.  It just does not happen.  You have to focus and be determined that this is it.  I remember telling myself if ever again I went 24 hrs without a cigarette that I was back on my forever quit.  Here I am 442 days smoke free and never turning back. No EXcuses.   Have a blessed day and thank you for reminding me NEF. 


I can truly testify that you can make it.  I never thought I'd make it this far at 75 days.  And there are definitely stages and steps you have to go through.  I'm only halfway up those steps, but I'm getting there.  You have a great day there, Marilyn.




I know I am in the minority, but this time was my first and only attempt at quitting.  I had convinced myself that I just could not quit - so why try?! A vascular sugeon's frank assessment and my family doctor's challenge, "there are more people in the U.S. right now that have quit smoking than are still smoking.  Do you think they are ALL better than you?"  gave me the kick I needed to give it a try.  I didn't find this site until four days into my quit - and they were truly four miserable days!  I vowed never to go through THAT again - and I haven't!

I am so glad we are both smokefree!



Smoking is not an option, is the mantra that has really worked for me. Whenever I tell my shaky brain that, it is like a door closing. It firms up my resolve and reminds me that for me, one cigarette = a million! SMOKING IS NOT AN OPTION! And then I think of all the other constructive things I can do instead, and it's on to the next thing.

God bless you, Marilyn, for your daily help and encouragement! Thank you!


Hello, Marilyn, Congratulations on 637 days free! Here's to no more day one's! Great blog!Thank you! Have a spectacular day!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


I tried a number of times to quit and never made it past 3 months and usually not  even past a week or two but each time I tried and failed I tried to learn for the next timewhat worked and what didn't . I just wish I had not waited so long between tries !   I always thought I did not have enough support..... Everyone is excited about your quit for awhile then they are sick of hearing about it !

I found this site between my last few tries and like you set a quit date then I forgot all about it until a few days before that date so I reset the date ! The support here on Ex is incredible and I am sure without a doubt it is why I made it this far !

You Marilyn have been one of my good friends on Ex who has helped me from the beginning Thank you so very much !


You HAVE to believe you can do this - in order to get it done! 

Congrats as always Marilyn on your glorious quit! 

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....