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Share your quitting journey

Happy labor Day to all my American friends and Happy Labour Day to my Canadian friends, another smoke free one of course.

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I am late getting on this morning, I slept in until almost 8 o'clock, yay but boo because my bread got on late but oh well that's ok. My husband Mark is home where it's a long wk end, he just went to visit his mom so I thought I'd pop on here and wish you a great day so as always let's remember to protect our precious quits while enjoying our freedom, I read alot here about each of us having a choice whether we smoke or not and I choose NOT, so if you haven't quit yet now is the time to take back your life while you are still vertical and if you have quit and you are struggling hang on tight because there's definitely life after cigarettes but it is a one day at a time effort to get through the roller coaster ups and downs of mood swings and withdrawals but everything we have to go through is sooooooo very worth it to be free from the clutches of the dreaded cancer sticks. Stick with it because it's definitely going to take some time but it's going to get easier as time goes on plus your health, family and even your wallet will thank you for sticking with your quit . Relapsing is a choice so please choose to stick with your quit and this evening you will have another day WON! 

Marilyn 784 DOF 

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....