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Share your quitting journey

HELLO NEW QUITTER.......don't let anything fool you!!!

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I have not smoked a cigarette for over six years....but don't let that fool you!  I am just like you and NEVER IMAGINED I could get to six + years smoke free.


I never need a cigarette....but don't let that fool you! I am just like you and there was a time when I could not drive, work, eat, live without a cigarette.


I never think smoking a cigarette would be GREAT...but don't let that fool you! I am just like you and once thought being able to have "just one" would be WONDERFUL.


I weigh the same now as when I smoked....but don't let that fool you! I am just like you and gained about 5- 10 pounds from quitting smoking (lost it easily after the first few months).


After a year of not smoking, I bought new living room furniture...but don't let that fool you! I am just like you and once was digging in the bottom of my purse for lost quarters to pay for those expensive cigarettes.


Don't be fooled by our numbers of days or years....we are just like you. 


Are you thinking of quitting...making a plan? GREAT


Do you have one day, one week, one month smoke free? EXCELLENT 


Did you slip but get right back up and start again--- vowing NOT to slip again? GOOD JOB


C'mon NEWBIES!!!! Hang in there and stay can do it---don't let this addiction fool you!

About the Author
I quit smoking in 2009 after years and years of addiction. I just became sick and tired of the whole smoking thing. This site was a lifesaver with the support I as you can see, I hung around to help others. I became friends with many people....some are here now and some are gone. Welcome to anyone who is new....this is EX....we are all here for each other.