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Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! want to shake my daughter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 7 10

I get home from work my grandaghter tells me she has pin worms. I asked her if she contacted her mom so I cold take her to dr and get meds. mom said to go to the pet store and get dog meds and take them. I was so angery Iit took me half the night to fall asleep. her mom has a acount set up so she can deposit money in to the kids account there income is almost 100 thosand a year.  Grrrrrrrrrrrr. ok I feel better now and on a happer note! I am smoke free 79 days woooooo Howwwwwwww  We can stay smoke free no matter what Love you all stay strong NOPE!!!!