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Share your quitting journey

Getting up at 5:30 is way too early on a Sunday! 😣

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Since I woke up so early I figured I might just as well put on a batch of bread which needed done today or tomorrow, there's only one loaf left in the freezer! I've been getting Mark to stir it for me the last couple of years it's real hard on the hands plus the back and so on! I'm glad that I make a dozen loaves at a time plus a pan of rolls because at least it freezes well and I get a break every 8 to 10 days before making another batch! We don't buy store bought bread at all because Mark won't eat it period! PLUS I doubt Mason would either lol😃 at least NOT here at Grams house that's probably the case with the other 2 grandchildren as well, I've been baking bread for at least 35 years 33 of those years are for Mark, if I was alone I definitely could AND would eat store bought bread I doubt if I even eat a loaf a week anyway! Now that I've rambled on long enough to bore you I'll just say  Stick with your quit ~ N.M.W ~ NO MATTER WHAT! Our lives are worth so much more than the damned Nicotine Poison! The CHOICE is Ours! 

Here's a little humor I put together this morning! 





                   I thought you might enjoy these!😁

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....