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Share your quitting journey

Five Days and Counting

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Hello everyone who reads this blog post. I just wanted to share some things today. First off, I hope that everyone had a great thanksgiving, with lots of food, warmth, family and friend time, and laughter. If you were one of those that volunteered at a shelter or in an event to help feed the les fortunate, bless you, the only way to end some of these issues is to truly help one another. 

I was really blessed this year. I work at Wal-Mart as a manager and my black friday, as it is often called, went smoothly, very smoothly. I work in a neightborhood market now so we do not have to worry about the gm merchandise, huge crowds, and pick up afterwards as a supercenter was. We were busy through out the day, however, I was out of work at eleven thirty on thursday afternoon and I have had three relaxing days off to enjoy. That to me, makes me very grateful considering some of my friends that still work at the supercenter I used to work at, had to work through this entire week. 

So I previously wrote a post that I was looking into old hobbies and shared a post about some poems that I had personally wrote five year ago. Yesterday, I had a huge cleaning house day and decided to take a knack at my closet considering at this point, you couldn't walk into it. I pulled out my old drawing sketch pad, and thought mmm maybe I should draw again. I barely scratched the surface, last time I started. In fact, to be honest, my drawings were something a two year old would be extremely proud of, but you have to start somewhere. Also, I pulled out some books that were written by Michio Kaku. In case you do not know who that is, look him up. If you are into physics, he is excellent. I love his writing style. I was thinking about reading those books again. 

So my quit day is fast approaching. I am still nervous as I have said before however, I actually look to my two smoking groups, this one and because it reassures me that A LOT of people are and were like me and that there are people that are ready to give support and advice to you in case you need it. That means a lot. 

But today, laundry calls 😕 I hate laundry but I have to do it. Plus I did take advantage of the black friday deals so I cannot wait until my stuff comes in. It was all for work so I would look more professional. I hope everyone has a good day 🙂
