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Share your quitting journey

First post, Day 6

0 12 23

Blah.  That's how I have been feeling, when I am not angry, or crying or aggravated that is. I quit smoking 6 days ago.  I am on the patch and Zyban, but this process stinks.  I have been following the posts in another support group, but it hasn't felt supportive to me.  I am the wife of a Marine and the mother of a 3 year old daughter.  My husband has been gone on training for the last 2 months and will hopefully be returning home soon.  I thought that quitting smoking while he was gone would be the best idea, so he wouldn't have to deal with my mood swings and incessant snapping and tapping to keep my hands busy.  Oh boy, how wrong I was.  Trying to run the house, take care of my daughter and go to school is more stressful than I thought, especially without my smoke breaks from reality.  I defiantly think that I should have waited until he was home so that not only would I have help with our daughter, but also the support that I need.  My two closest friends where I live are both smokers, and while they support me, they are also watching me to see if I fail before they try to quit.  So that sucks.  It is kind of annoying when I look to them for support and they just tell me to stay strong and not give in and that they look up to me!, knowing good and well they are going to go have a cigarette right afterwards.  

Oh well.  Anyways, I have never had a blog before and I am not sure how these even really work, but I might as well use it as my journal type thingy to write to when I am not having a good day, or heck, if I have an amazing day (although I have a feeling those will be a while down the road...).  

Although it is said that having a positive attitude is half the battle, this stinks.  I have been miserable the last week, cranky, short tempered with my poor daughter and just down right feeling horrible in general.  I hope it ends soon.  I have read some websites that say regular cravings can last up to 6 months, and I know that I can't deal with this for 6 months.  


Okay, that is enough.  Have a good night 🙂 I have homework to do since the runt is in bed.