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Share your quitting journey

Entered my first EVER 5K race. 38 years old! =) Happening June 5th here in Grand Forks =).

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I can actually run! Not really really fast or for HUGE distances. But I can run 3.1 miles 😃 and not finish dead last. Now that I can b-r-e-a-t-h-e. It's a beautiful thing =). My kids are tripping out. THEIR mommy, for most of their lives, was 250 pounds, smoked, and laid on the couch on her days off. She got winded and tired just walking up the stairs. Sometimes they could talk her out to the backyard, but she always had to have her smokes and her snacks and usually complained. Now, I am trying to talk them into joining my training and entering the kids section of the race. Now I bug them to come out and help me plant some new flowers or help me in the garden. I talk them into coming on a run with me and the Koda dog.

 I just hope seeing the difference will influence them positively in years to come. I always tell them how hard it is to lose weight. I tell them how hard it is to quit smoking. I am trying to set a better example than I have in the past. I truly hope they pull from the positive, not the negative. I hope they remember that if they just try to make good choices, life can be easier.

Today my 11 year old and I were on a tight schedule and had to pretty much run into the grocery store on the way between dropping him at home and me getting to work....there was a couple of employees smoking near where we had parked and he went "Ugh! YUCK!" as we passed them. I told him, hey, I don't like the smell either, but don't be rude! I know he was probably just trying to reinforce to me that they (cigs) were gross and bad, but it came out sounding kind of disrespectful and that doesn't fly with me. I hope he understood that? Not defending smoking, but defending basic courtesy? I don't know. WOW rambling. Hope yall have a great weekend! Take care 😃


You are setting a wonderful example for your children!  They are certainly taking that into account!  And they are seeing how making long term poor decisions doesn't have to be permanent - you CAN make different decisions!  You just gave yourself the best Mother's Day present of all - recognizing the benefits of the lifestyle changes you made for yourself also help your children!  HAPPY SMOKE FREE MOTHER'S DAY!


Congratulations on your great accomplishiments!!!   You are setting a great example for your children, I know they must  love that their Mom doesn't smoke now!! 

I can remember telling my children when they were young not to smoke and how bad it was ,,,,,,yet I was a smoker at the time (how crazy was that???)

Congratulations again you are  very inspiring!!!     Happy Mother's Day to you!!!!!


Wish I could do that, think i waited too long before I quit.... No breath now.

Have fun, remember this new feeling of freedom.

Enjoy life


Wow how cool is this you've come so far and made such changes!  I'm really proud top know someone like you.

I'm really impressed about the courtesy issue with your children.  IMO courtesy/manners are something seriously lacking in society.  Parents don't teach kids like I was taught by my mom who always said "there is no excuse for being rude"

Thank you for sharing and congrats on your new life experiences!




You all are awesome 😃 Like I tell everyone. Best place for support is in here =). Thanks for all the encouragement and kind words!!


GREAT---you are going to love running! I will think of you on June 5th---I am in a run that day also.


Thanks for your comment on my blog post! Congrats on the race!!!! What a wonderful way to really showcase your freedom from cigarettes!

Good luck!