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Share your quitting journey


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The journey to happiness involves finding the courage to go down into ourselves and take responsibil...

When you are at the beginning of your quit, you often feel emotions that seem overwhelming! Anger, Fear, Anxiety, even Joy, Happiness, Excitement! All those years we hid our feelings under a Smoke Cloud - we couldn't feel either really good or really bad - just a numbing blah!

Now, all of a sudden, you feel intensely - you're out of your comfort zone! I've heard many people say that they didn't think it was "fair" to their families to be so emotional, when in fact what they are feeling is the REAL ME for the first time in many, many years!

Folks say that they perceive this emotional intensity as "immaturity" when, in fact, it's more immature to squash your feelings with poisonous substances rather than learn to cope with and live with the true Creator-given YOU!

How are you going to deal with substance- caused chronic illness if you can't live with true natural feelings? Yes, your family will have to go through this learning transition with you and you will be modeling extraordinarily important living skills because, truthfully, life is a whole series of stepping out of our comfort zones! Knowing how is what living is all about!

Feelings have been given to human beings for a reason! Life with feelings of all kinds is abundantly rich and fruitful! LIVE LIFE ABUNDANTLY -Smoke FREE!


I remember that rollercoaster ride very well. Thanks for putting the information out there again for the new quitters.



Thank you Thomas  I also remember and pray that I never forget because I am enjoying my life without the crutch of cigarettes. 


Thanks Thomas for posting this! Although I am happy in my quit. I do have some pretty emotional times as well. I let them go for a bit and then I kick them out. I won't be doing this quit over again! No do overs. I take it as it comes, The good, bad the ugly. Yes, I am uncomfortable sometimes, but so worth it and i'm glad that I have to feel it. It makes me konw I don't want to feel it again! As they say "The only way out is through". Thanks again Thomas for sharing your wisdom!

Terrie  45  DOF


Thank you for the great post!


Thank you Thomas this blog was quite timely.  Thank you for paying attention what we are going through and reaching out with your God given wisdom.


Thomas thank you for bloging.


Thanks MY beloved brother Thomas for your good teaching on acceptance- change inside of ME - out- yahooooop- to NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER - TOGETHER- Yahooooo - in HIS love I love YOU MY brother in Christ Jesus OUR Lord!


So good to see you my quit sister!  Big hugs to you.  xoxo


So good to see you, Thomas!  Your blogs are always so helpful and insightful.  


Just an FYI, Jamie - this blog is 4 years old.

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1