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Share your quitting journey

Dont let success scare you .

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I wish that you could see your future without having cigarettes in it ... just glimpses of what that might be like for you, but success comes in the process of learning what you need to learn . The process is different for each of us , because no two people are alike. 

This is my perspective : 

The process is what makes the quit a success , and successful  quits are just  living life daily in a new way. 

For me to tell you that it is all wonderful to be quit and and that you are  going to love it , is true ,  but reality is it takes a while to really have that permeate into your being .  Me just telling you is also kind of cheating you of the things that you need to learn for yourself so you can share with others your story .  I am more excited that you get to tell me yours because it's wonderful to see more and more people quitting smoking and that your story being new here is helping not only your self , but others . 

.Be patient with yourself , no rush , now that you quit , you areon your way . You are in it for the long haul so enjoy the ride  . Think of it as an adventure and along the way get a bucket list going and do all the things you wanted to do but never had time for .

This journey needs to be rewarding to you in ways I wont understand because I don't know you , and it needs to be teaching you the lessons you need to learn , because you know yourself best .

Learn about addiction and learn about yourself , and if one day Is hard and the next hard and the next hard getting through them is the way through this and you can do it . 

Dont let success scare you , let success wear you proudly . You work for it !