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Doin the 2 year happy dance

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2 years. AMAZING! I haven't been online since Christmas time. Not because I don't love you all, which I do, but because I am crazy busy. I am working 2 jobs and joined a 12 step program to quit sugar. It's good to be busy.

I couldn't celebrate my 2 year anniversary without coming here and sharing the success and the things that got me this far. In the beginning I read every thing I could on this site and listened to what those that had time under their belt had to say. If I took offense at someone's words I knew it meant they struck a nerve and I should listen harder. I white knuckled many a day. I spent a LOT of time saying 'not today, but maybe tomorrow', which I still say today. Tomorrow never comes as long as I am living one day at a time. I cried and laughed and learned to feel my emotions. I struggled with really hard times and great loss (read previous blogs if interested) and came out the other side. 

The ways my life is better today? I have more of my paycheck for fun stuff. I can walk up a big hill and breathe at the same time. I sleep better. I know if I am sad vs. mad vs. anxious, etc. I have more time to do more fun things. I get to enjoy dinner parties because I am not standing alone in the rain smoking. And on and on I could go. Life is great. 

Today I know that I am a kick ass strong person who can do anything because I did this! 

2 years, 14,594 ciggs not smoked, $3,643.73 saved, 50day 14 hours 34m time saved, nicotine not inhaled 8g 744mg, tar not inhaled 145g 740mg