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Do You Know How Angels fly?

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I have several health problems exaccerbated by smoking including COPD, a heart condition, lupus and diabetes.  The last few weeks I would get winded easily and found it difficult to breathe deeply & was smoking 3 packs a day.  The insanity of my smoking never ceases to amaze me.  My heart doctor said to quit or have a major heart attack, to take my pick. She was not nice about it at all!  lol. I got the feeling that if I did not quit smoking that she would dismiss me.  No more games for me.  One puff led me to full blown addiction to cigarettes again & again in the past 3 years.  I have tried to quit over 10-20 times and failed.  

I wrote a story about my smoking career which began 45 years ago as a 14 year old child.  My father, who was a smoker, gave me my first cigarette.  I loved the way it made me feel.  I "borrowed" a pack of his cigs and stayed home from school the next day, sat in from of a mirror and tried to learn how to inhale so I could look cool...  Presently, not smoking is cool, in fact, it's awsome!  At the end, I grew so compulsive about lighting up that I was chain smoking...a pack in the morning, a pack in the afternoon and a pack in the evening. I grew sick & tired of being a slave to cigarettes, the taste, the smell.

For me now, to smoke is to die.   I have acceptance that I cannot smoke.  No more games. No more one puff.  I decided to use a nicotine aide and chose the lozengers.  It is working well for me.  I'm a litte spacy on my second day, but overall already feel better than any given moment while I was smoking.  I can breathe easier!  I enjoyed reading Thomas's blog on withdrawal symptoms and what to watch out for.  I have a support group of local quitters and then of course, I plan to get active on EX.  All I have to do is quit one day at a time with God's help.  By the way, do you know how angels fly?  They take themselves lightly...