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Share your quitting journey

Day 8

7 20 204

Wow!!!!!  This is the longest I've been quit in nearly 4 and a half years.  I'm feeling great today.  I overslept a bit this morning (and was late for work, oops LOL) put on a patch and am doing really really well.  I am through Hell week, into the 2nd week and I have $70.00 saved in my non-smoking kitty (I was spending $10.00/day on cigarettes).  I can honestly say that life is sooooooooo much better without smoking. 

A lot of changes are coming my way in my life--I'm taking a vacation on June 14th, going to Italy for 10 days...then on June 30th my full-time job comes to an end (It's a long term temporary position and it's ending) so there will be some challenges coming up in my life.  But I feel like I will weather them fine.  One day at a time without that nasty habit in my life any more.  Gotta just keep moving. 

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Yes, you can! Congrats on 8 days of freedom. 


Congratulations! And a trip to Italy to look forward too! That is awesome. I love that I don't have to worry about smoking when I travel now. I've always been a nervous flyer and having to worry about a nicotine fix on top of that sucked. You're gonna love it too. 


Thank you Jackie!!!!!!! 


Thank you desiree!!!!!!!  Yes, this will be my second trip to Italy and I can't wait to go back!  And I've definitely earned this vacation this year LOL.  I'm so glad I won't be weighed down by smoking on this trip. 


Hadn't thought about this.  Just curious, is it hard to smoke in Italy (or elsewhere)?


No, it's not hard to smoke there...and like a lot of places in Europe, smoking is ubiquitous.  It is EVERYWHERE.  But I'll stay strong and keep my patches on, and of course will stay close to this site while I'm there so I don't stray...the temptation will be there but I'll stay strong in my quit.


What WILL be better are the waits in airports and the plane rides.  I think you will be amazed how much less stressed you will feel now that you don't smoke.  The 12 hour plane ride to Germany  seemed to just fly by (pun intended) and I was able to read and stay relaxed in the airport.

I didn't like how all the outdoor cafes were overrun with smokers, making them uncomfortable (and stinky) for me, but it was so nice not to have to worry EVER about my next fix!



True!  I didn't think about that part of it!  Yes, I'm looking forward to climbing to the top of the duomo in Florence and not being out of breath!!!!!  Plus all the walking I'm going to do all over Rome, all with breaths of fresh air and not being winded or tired. 


Very good! Bellissimo !!!! Enjoy Italy and your new smoke free life


Thank you or should I say, "Grazie!"  LOL I can't wait.  It's going to be interesting to be in a place where people smoke so freely, and to be there as a non-smoker!  But I'm so looking forward to a beautiful vacation. 


Will you be able to sign into the site in Europe?  I thought there was something that would prohibit signing in to EX, or can you still get in by mobile phone?


I think I'll still be able to get in via my mobile phone.    Hope so anyway. 


Getting rich for quitting is not a bad payoff at all! Enjoy your trip, but don't forget to pack eternal vigilance. Congratulations on 8---great work staying smober.


Hi Mary,

Thank you so much!!!!!  Yes, I am staying strong and will stick to my quit during my vacation, and hopefully will be able to log onto this site from my cell phone from time to time while I'm there. 


I agree with Nancy - I was so much less stressed flying after I quit - I was amazed! You are doing great - congrats to you! 


Thank you strudel!  Yeah I am so looking forward to this vacation.  Not going to lose this quit for anything and I'm totally going to be checking in here while I'm there.  I'm having a great day today. 


Take Notice of  things about the smokers when you encounter them. The smells, the stains on the fingers, the cough, the mouth wrinkles. 

Sounds mean. but truly it helped me to look at the REALITY of the smoker as opposed to casting them in an envied light. 

Theyve got nothing on YOU and your awesome quit. 


I never looked at it like that, but that will definitely help.  And I just think about all the people in my family who suffered emphysema, stroke, COPD from smoking.


As someone who HAS COPD, let me tell you that I would not wish this on anyone...ANYONE.  If I had quit when I was as young as you, it certainly would have improved my life.  Have an amazing time in Italy!



Thank you Ellen!!!  And I’m so sorry you have COPD. Yes, I saw the toll it took on my aunt and I see what it’s done to my cousin.  Staying far away from smoking now.  

About the Author
I have smoked on and off (mostly on) for the last twenty years...quit in 2010 and was successful for 3 1/2 years. Then my husband died in January 2014, so I caved and started up, over 7 years later, I want to be done for good!!!! This quit is IT.