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Day 700 today now that just is a grand place to be

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Got up this morning pain in my back but I can breathe like a champ.. Got on this sight and went back to my first blog day 14. Read some of my blogs in the begginning I don't hardly recognize that person. Some sounded so desparate for peace withen. some filled with anxiety. Some sounded lonely oh how times have changed and so have I. I have found that peace inside of me, I am no longer anxious and I am not lonely for the addiction I carried for so many years. One day I am going to print all the blogs for my grandchildren to read when they start considering taking up a habit like tobacco use. Let them see how it robs you of who you are robs you of your health robs you of your peace of mind. I hope and pray that all of the people that wish to end their relationship with tobacco addiction finds the strength to do it. Its a much better place here without the constant addiction nagging at you all the time, the struggle to breathe the stink the cost all the negitive things that addiction throws on us. I want ot wish everyone here a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays which ever you prefer and may your days be filled with the freedom and peace that come from becoming nicotine free....May there be Peace on Earth and in your hearts...Hugs Deb