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Day 3 of quitting and I am really craving a cigarette!!

0 11 151

Ahhhh I didn't think today would be that bad since I have been using the patch for three days, but I was wrong!! I've heard that day 3 is the worst day, but didn't think it would be this hard!!!! I think it may be because I went to have some  drinks with friends last night and all I have been thinking about since then is a cigarette :/. I made myself leave early after two drinks because I knew I wouldn't be able to drink anymore without my cravings going threw the roof!!!! I REALLY want to QUIT and what helped is my roommates have told alot of my friends that I am quitting, so there is no going back haha. I'm going to go for a walk in a little bit, but is there anything else I can do to deal with the cravings today??? And will it be better tomorrow???